Band 2 Maternity Care Assistant
Maternity Assistants (MA) complement the role of the midwife in provision of care and support to women and their families they support midwives by undertaking non midwifery specific tasks. Ultimate responsibility for care of the mother and baby lies with the delegating midwife and under her supervision the MA can provide care for which she/he has received training. The MA may provide clinical care which forms part of the care plan following assessment and design of a care plan by the midwife. The MA’s care may include aspects of antenatal care, intrapartum care and post-natal care which may be provided in a range of hospital based and outreach clinical settings. MAs can perform basic observations, provide basic care, maintain a safe and pleasant environment, give simple advice and support, document care given and undertake clerical tasks under supervision of a midwife.
BAND 2 Maternity Care Assistant
• To participate in the provision of 24-hour cover for the unit, including flexibility to move within team areas as the service requires.
• To maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene within all clinical areas i.e. cleaning delivery rooms (including bodily fluids), theatre, equipment, making beds and keeping a good stock supply .
• To assist the midwives in the care of women antenataly, during labour and postnataly to ensure that planned programmes of care are provided.
• To participate in maintaining the general personal hygiene needs of women where required; this includes toileting, bed bathing and oral hygiene.
• To ensure the Dietary requirements are sustained and documented.
• To carry out Maternal Observations I.e. Blood Pressure, Pulse, Temperature, Respirations and Urinalysis, once training and competence has been met.
• Independent undertaking of Venepuncture and obtain capillary samples for Blood Glucose monitoring. Training and competence must be met before.
1. To work in accordance with the Trust’s Values to consistently demonstrate the behaviours required. The post holder is required to carry out his/her role in accordance with the organisation values, standards and behaviours, in a Professional, Compassionate, Respectful and Safe way.
1. To ensure that Croydon Health Services Trust’s policies and procedures are adhered to.
Maternity Care Assistant
• To participate in the provision of 24-hour cover for the unit, including flexibility to move within team areas as the service requires.
• To maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene within all clinical areas i.e. cleaning delivery rooms(including bodily fluids), theatre, equipment, making beds and keeping a good stock supply.
• To assist the midwives in the care of women antenataly, during labour and postnataly to ensure that planned programmes of care are provided.
• To participate in maintaining the general personal hygiene needs of women where required; this includes toileting, bed bathing and oral hygiene.
• To ensure the Dietary requirements are sustained and documented.
• To carry out Maternal Observations I.e. Blood Pressure, Pulse, Temperature, Respirations and Urinalysis, once training and competence has been met.
• Independent undertaking of Venepuncture and obtain capillary samples for Blood Glucose monitoring. Training and competence must be met before.
• To be aware of the general condition and well-being of women and babies and report any deviations or concerns to a qualified member of the multi-professional team.
• To assist women and their partners in the care of their babies, i.e. nappy changing, bathing and infant feeding.
• Be pro-active in supporting women to breast feed their babies and give them the advice and assistance they require according to the national and trust guidelines. Once training and competence has been met.
• To maintain accurate records of all care provision in the clinical records.
• To escort patients to different clinical areas.
• To work in theatre when required, as a ‘runner’.
• To act as a chaperone.
• To assist in creating memories for sad cases.
Please note that on occasions, posts may close earlier than the closing datedue to a large amount of applications being received.
This advert closes on Tuesday 18 Mar 2025