The Consultant has a continuing responsibility for the care of patients in their charge. The Consultant will be responsible in conjunction with colleagues for planning future developments of these services. The appointee will be expected to participate in the student teaching rota, administrative duties associated with the care of their patients, participate in the running of the department in collaboration with consultant colleagues, communicate with local practitioners, supporting nursing and other AHP members of the team. The appointee will be expected to take an active interest in clinical governance, maintaining medical excellence and management and service development. Clinical audit is a mandatoryrequirement within the Trust and the appointee will be expected to attend and participate in audit and clinical governance. It is expected that the appointee will make use of opportunities for continuing medical education on a regular basis in the form of local, regional, national and international clinical meetings. The appointee will be encouraged to take part in the administration of CME and to accrue the number of CME credits determined by the Royal College of Physicians. There is a requirement to participate in the annual consultant appraisal programme. The appointee will have the opportunity to develop research and currently we have a research nurse working on a number of projects. We have strong links with the Bradford Institute for Health Research and the Born in Bradford research project. Please see job description and person specification for more details