Patient-facing long-term condition clinics: Consult with patients who have one or more medical conditions that require medication optimization (e.g., COPD, asthma, hypertension). Review the ongoing necessity of each medication, assess monitoring needs, and provide support to patients in managing their medications, ensuring they achieve the best outcomes from their treatments (i.e., medication optimization). Provide GPs with recommendations for medication improvements. Conduct clinical medication reviews with patients and offer recommendations to the senior clinical pharmacist, nurses, and/or GP regarding prescribing and monitoring. Respond to medicine-related inquiries from GPs, practice staff, other healthcare teams (e.g., community pharmacy), and patients. Offer solutions and recommendations. Follow up with patients to monitor the effects of any changes. Review the use of medications commonly linked to unplanned hospital admissions and readmissions through audits and individual patient reviews. Medicines Safety: Implement changes to medications in response to MHRA alerts, product withdrawals, and other local and national guidelines. Implement changes to medications in response to MHRA alerts, product withdrawals, and other local and national guidelines. Implementation of Local and National Guidelines and Formulary Recommendations: Monitor practice prescribing in accordance with the local formulary and recommend to GPs which medications should be prescribed by hospital doctors (red drugs) or be subject to shared care (amber drugs). Audit the practices compliance with NICE technology assessment guidance. Safeguarding Children, Young People, and Vulnerable Adults: Comply with safeguarding policies and support the commitment to promoting welfare. General Policies, Procedures, and Practices: Comply with all Hounslow Family Practice policies and stay informed about any changes.