Sellindge Primary School is situated in a semi-rural location between Ashford and Folkestone on the A20. The school was awarded an overall level of 'good' with outstanding features during the last Ofsted inspection. At present the school has 182 children taught across 7 classes. The school has a very supportive Governing Body and an active School Association.
The school has recently expanded and is now a one form entry school.
We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic, hard-working term time only teaching assistant with a good standard of English, Maths and IT to support a KS2 pupil on a one-to-one basis. The job will also entail training, which will be provided, in moving and handling to support the pupil with their physical needs, as well as some general classroom responsibilities and running interventions. Relevant experience and teaching assistant qualifications are desirable but not essential. Experience of teaching phonics and some knowledge of speech and language support would be desirable but not essential. The hours of work would be 8.45am - 3.15pm Monday to Friday (30 hours per week). The position is temporary, in the first instance.
The successful applicant will have high expectations of behaviour and pupil welfare and will understand the commitment that we have, as a school, to the safeguarding of children. This post is subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service and subject to the receipt of satisfactory references.