To undertake a programme of S117 reviews in collaboration with other members of multi-professional teams where required. This will involve completion of the Reviewing document and potentially other clinical tools for example from the risk management or safeguarding toolkits. Placement reviews will be required, providing evidence that safety and quality issues are addressed and that interventions are recovery focussed. To present the assessment to the S117 Quality Assurance Forum for new packages of care, and cases they require split funding. changes to a package of care such as increase in one-to-one observations. To provide support to the service user and carer(s) through the review process, involving them in choices and decision making as appropriate, and keeping them informed at all stages. Referral to and liaison with appropriate Advocacy and legal representation services may be necessary. To collaborate and liaise with current and potential placement providers and representatives of mental health and social care services in Coventry and Warwickshire and outside of the Trusts geographical area where necessary. To identify any unmet need or blockages or gaps in the development of robust plans and highlight them to the team manager.