Clinical To provide clinical, managerial and professional leadership of the teams they line manage at The Dudley Group NHS Trust ensuring patients needs are assessed and appropriate interventions provided and evaluated. Assist in the co-ordination of Educational Institution, Regulatory Body and any Peer Review process including planning for Peer Review visits and completing self-assessment compliance reporting. Responsible for the performance delivery of all KPIs for managed services and take action required to address shortfalls/concerns. Challenge traditional ways of working by researching & developing new models of practice. Develop clinical nurse education service which is focused on the learner and underpinned by evidence-based practice and user feedback. To establish clinical performance and quality standards and to ensure that systems are in place to regularly monitor and evaluate these. To take appropriate remedial action when performance and quality standards are not as expected. To contribute to Trust wide quality improvement initiatives and with bespoke quality improvement initiatives. To maintain systems for the accurate and timely recording and monitoring of all activity. To analyse and interpret a range of complex information in order to understand the clinical performance within the area of responsibility and to prepare and present options for improvement. To lead on the development, establishment and sustaining of effective working practices with both internal and external partners, to ensure the highest quality outcomes are achieved as measured against key organisational objectives and vision. Reporting and monitoring against these objectives and providing information appropriately. Support in process of safe staffing reviews in the Trust. To be the lead Non-Medical prescribing (NMP) in the Trust is responsible for supporting and overseeing the development of NMPs within DGNHSFT. Ensure effective record keeping utilising Health Care Records and electronic records. Promote clinical and professional practice and ensure all staff comply with relevant legislation, Regulating Bodies (NMC/HCPC) codes and guidance and Trust policies. Advise the Associate Deputy Chief Nurses and Deputy Chief Nurse on issues concerning professional practice. Governance & Strategy Critically appraise the outcomes of research, evaluation & audits and apply them to improve practice. Publish and present developments and research locally, nationally, and internationally. Identify needs for service development; facilitate new ideas in concepts in the ways we work, overcoming barriers, managing conflict & resistance to improve outcomes for patients. Engage with NHS Employers, National Association of Medical Personnel Specialists, Royal Colleges, and other organisations to ensure good networks and knowledge is current. Provide expert advice & support to various strategic groups to develop protocols, clinical guidelines, and policies. Develop and sustain appropriate relationships, partnerships, and networks to influence and improve health outcomes & health care delivery systems. Develop strategies and policies for use across the Trust as required ensuring effective implementation. To lead and participate in service reviews including presentations to Governance and Trust Board as required. To work collaboratively, across geographical and professional boundaries both statutory and non-statutory to enhance patient care and nurse education. Support the delivery of national and locally agreed key performance indicators (CQUIN, HIA). Lead, support and develop the knowledge and advance the clinical practice of the wider nursing, midwifery and AHP teams across The Dudley Group. Identify and lead changes in clinical practice and enhance service delivery in accordance with evidence-based standards and policy, challenging traditional boundaries and current thinking and overcoming resistance and conflict at department, Trust, and regional level. Maintain a high profile within the Trust and externally, providing a strong contribution to the achievement of organisational goals. Ensure personal and staff mentoring needs are addressed. Actively contributes to expanding and integrating multidisciplinary teams. Develop appropriate information systems and ensure documentation systems are in place to assist in high-level delivery of care and data collection. Seek and develop opportunities to submit project bids for funding/resources to improve service delivery wherever appropriate. Education & Training Work with higher educational institutions (HEI) & workforce development confederation(s) to influence the development of pre and post registration curriculum for all health professionals. Ensure own self development, practically and academically is reviewed in an annual personal development plan and achieved. Develop and use appropriate strategies and opportunities to share knowledge including with patients and carers. Teach multidisciplinary groups within the Trust and beyond on a broad range of subjects relating to clinical nursing practice including but not limited to recognition and treatment of the deteriorating patient, extended scope of practice skills, medication administration and effective prescribing. Advise and support the education and development for the senior sisters, charge nurses and lead nurses within the educational team. Contribute to and participate in the Trusts Education Strategy across Primary and Secondary Care. Establish and maintain a regional network of contacts. Actively demonstrate commitment to clinical supervision ensuring sound reflective and facilitation skills. Act as a mentor or coach as required. Leadership & Management Manage pay/non pay budgets including charitable funds and successful external funding projects. Head the recruitment and selection of staff for the teams. To ensure all staff have clear roles, objectives, responsibilities, and development plans. To ensure the effective performance of all staff within area of responsibility, including having in place systems for regular appraisals and the development of personal development plans. To communicate complex and sometimes contentious information in a manner that is understandable and likely to achieve engagement. To contribute to the development of robust business cases in order to deliver short and long-term business strategies. Work in partnership to agree and set objectives and evaluate progress on outcomes. To contribute to and interpret, national policy and strategy development, in areas of functional responsibility. To positively and creatively challenge current thinking in order to develop new and better policy and operational working practices. Maintain accurate and up to date statistics for the service provided including annual Minimum Data Set information. Effectively identify & manage clinical risks associated with service development in conjunction with the Associate Deputy Chief Nurses. Encourage and challenge professionals across organisational boundaries to question current practice and to develop new ways of working to support modernisation of services. Facilitate changes in service delivery in accordance with evidence-based standards and policies ensuring the pathway is seamless and of a high quality. Work within the Trust policies and procedures.