The role requires the creation,developmentand maintenance of a wide range of working relationships to deliver the services, including but not limited to: Liaise with all levels of Trust Management to ensure fire safety is managed in line with Trust Policies. Attend and contribute to the Trust Fire Committee Meeting. Attend and contribute to the Trust Health and Safety Committee as required. Develop andmaintaina close working relationship with the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service. Maintain a close working relationship with the Estates and Facilities Capital Projects teamsin order toensure that Fire Safety considerations are incorporated in all new schemes, upgrade works and repairs to the Trusts building portfolio. Maintain a close working relationship with the Estates Department and appointed contractors in relation to engineering systems, means of detection, alarm systems and first aidfirefightingequipment provisions and maintenance. To liaise with the UHL Health and Safety Service, UHL Staff Side and all other interested parties to ensure that fire safety does not conflict with or contradict Health and Safety requirements. Work closely with the Emergency Planning and Business Continuity departments in relation to emergency response planning. Build strong networks across other Trusts and external organisations with the intention of sharing best practice and benchmarking improvements. Surveying and reporting on the standards of fire safety in Trust owned,leasedor occupied premises and on the adequacy of staff training in fire precautions. Advise on fire safety implications at the planning stage of all new building / engineering projects. Reduce interim risks by authorising alternative arrangements and approve condition / snagging prior to handover. Responsible for undertaking Fire Risk Assessments as required by legislation and foridentifyingfire safety risks within the Trust controlled portfolio. Assistand liaise with the local Fire Authority and Police in the investigation of fires and their cause(s). Keep a record of all fires, Support Managers, Fire Wardens in the preparation of Fire Reports. Monitor the incidents of unwanted fire signals from fire alarm systems andidentifymeasures necessary to control and reduce such signals. Keep records of these incidents and keep NHS statistical returns. Providefire safety advice with regards to the emergency planning and the impact within the Trust contingency plans. Ensure that the Trust is kept fully informed of all major developments in Fire Safety Legislation and Department of Health Policy guidance and the organisation and management of fire precautions which affect the Trust. Prepare suitable training programmes in Fire Safety and the organisation of fire drills or simulatedtable topexercises asappropriate. The post holder will undertake fire training at all levels and as far aspracticableattend fire drills. Ensure that records for all Fire Safety Training and Fire Drills are keptin order toprovide assurance of adherence to policy and that lessons learned are communicated. Carry out suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessments as per the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005,Firecodeand the Trusts Fire Safety Action Plan. Undertake specialist Fire Risk Assessments within clinical and non-clinical secure environments asrequired. Ensure the dissemination and practical application of Fire Risk Assessments to functional heads and staff with specific fire responsibilities. Undertake specialist investigations of all fire incidents, producingappropriate reportsfor the Fire Safety Manager and the local manager with responsibility for fire safety issues. Provide a specialist role in fire emergency planning, the impact with security issues and the organisations contingency plans. Maintain an effective site fire tactical plan with Security and the Fire and Rescue Service. Ensure theavailability, currency and dissemination of fire strategy drawings incorporating fire hazards. Maintain comprehensive records of all fire incidents and investigations ensuring that trends areidentified, and that advice is given to theappropriate partiesfor remedial action to reduce incidents. For more details, please refer to the attached Job Description.