Key Responsibilities: Clinical To provide a comprehensive Speech and Language Therapy service to clients referred with speech, language and communication difficulties within mainstream schools and special school in the borough To deliver appropriate formal and informal assessment, make differential diagnosis on the basis of this assessment, and communicate complex condition related information from assessment to children, carers, families and members of the multi-disciplinary team/other professions. To maintain sensitivity at all times to the emotional needs of clients/carers when imparting complex and distressing information regarding the nature of the clients difficulties and the impact of this on individuals and their families. Following assessment and differential diagnosis, to design and develop evidence based treatment and management programmes to be implemented within the multi-disciplinary teams available, and within the childs family. To adapt and facilitate treatment programmes and the use of augmentative communication systems and/or communication aids according to perceived clients needs. To impart principles and establish the use of language enrichment techniques by parents/carers and fellow practitioners To support children with identified special educational needs within mainstream and special schools. To work closely with school staff to embed inclusive speech, language and communication practice within the classroom. To work closely with clients, carers and families, agreeing decision making relevant to the client management, and providing the family with sufficient information to ensure meaningful choices that promote dignity, independence and quality of life. To demonstrate empathy with clients, carers and families and colleagues, ensuring that effective communication is achieved, particularly where barriers to understanding exist. To demonstrate skills in motivating clients and/or carers to engage in the therapeutic process. To maintain a high level of concentration in all aspects of patient care at all times, in order to monitor auditory, visual and kinaesthetic aspects of communication adaptations, and to facilitate treatment programmes and the use of augmentative communication systems communication aids according to perceived need, with regard to cultural and linguistic differences. To be able to initiate referrals to other health professionals, specialist services and agencies. To be computer literate and ensure accurate recording of actions, and updating patients records, maintaining confidentiality at all times. Policy/Service Development/Implementation To work within the borough SALT service guidelines for childrens services To contribute to the provision of speech and language therapy packages of care and clinical care pathways. To input into service redesign projects. To take an active interest in working parties and groups within the Trust to develop and improve on service delivery, protocols and guidelines. Research and Development To ensure practice is supported by research, evidence based practice, literature and peer review. To undertake Clinical Governance and Audit projects within the local service To participate in departmental research projects and collect research and outcome data as required. To be responsible for providing accurate records of information required by the Trust for research and audit purposes. Education and Development To demonstrate professional knowledge as evidenced by 1st degree level qualification or equivalent. To act as an increasingly autonomous Speech and Language Therapist who is legally and professionally accountable for own actions as guided by the professional code of conduct and Trust guidelines and protocols To demonstrate the ability to reflect on own practice with peers and clinical supervisors. To work independently accessing clinical supervision and appraisal within an Individual Performance Framework at pre-determined intervals to promote and develop own clinical skills, whilst ensuring that the objectives set reflect the Service and Trust plans. To identify personal and professional development evidenced by the development of a Personal Development Plan and professional portfolio of continuing professional development, developed within an appraisal framework. To keep up to date with new techniques and developments for the promotion and maintenance of good practice in paediatrics. To attend relevant training courses, meetings and special interest groups in order to maintain skills and knowledge required of a therapist working in the field of paediatrics. To maintain up to date HCPC and RCSLT registration. To demonstrate knowledge of, and adhere to RCSLT Professional and Clinical and National and Local Clinical Guidelines. To develop a working knowledge of relevant procedures including: Safeguarding Children and child protection procedures, SEN procedures, and other legal frameworks. To develop a working knowledge of the principles of Clinical Governance and their application to professional practice. To participate in the development and delivery of training (formal and informal) to others, in order to provide clinical advice to parents/carers and other professionals within health, childrens services and the voluntary sector on the management of children with communication difficulties. To develop the ability to reflect on and evaluate training provided. Responsibilities Human Resources To mentor and allocate duties to therapy assistants and volunteers in their work programme To explain the role of Speech and Language Therapists to clients, visitors, students and volunteers. Financial Resources To monitor stock levels in own service area and request new equipment as appropriate. Physical Resources To be responsible for the security, care and maintenance of equipment ensuring standards of infection control and safety are maintained To create appropriate resources for therapeutic intervention. Information Resources To maintain up to date and accurate case notes in line with RCSLT professional standards and local trust policies. To share information with others as appropriate, observing data protection guidelines. To undertake duties in compliance with the administrative systems at Trust and departmental level. To comply with the principles outlined in all IT system policy documentation and Trust computer security policies.