The post-holder will work with the Senior Leadership team to plan and oversee the mobilisation and implementation of Older Adult Services and Pathway Developments ensuring that all service provision is coordinated, evidence based and effective. The post holder will lead on the ongoing delivery providing strategic and operational oversight for these services. The post-holder will promote the service and manage positive multi-agency relations particularly with key stakeholders. The post-holder will ensure the service is able to meet compliance with clinical and operational standards and contractual requirements and ensure regular reporting links are in place with the ICB and required Trust Networks. The post holder is responsible for overall service standards (quality and safety and service user satisfaction and meaningful involvement) and effective joint clinical governance in conjunction with the Quality and Governance Lead. The post-holder is responsible for implementing relevant service strategies which promote engagement and access for the seldom heard and harder to reach communities, including minority ethnic, cultural and faith communities and other sub-populations where there are health inequalities and impoverished health outcomes. Lead on service wide projects / developments as agreed with the Head of Operations. The post holder will ensure that there is active service user involvement in the design, delivery and evaluation of the service.