Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de l'aéronautique (propulsion, équipements et intérieurs), de l'espace et de la défense. Sa mission : contribuer durablement à un monde plus sûr, où le transport aérien devient toujours plus respectueux de l'environnement, plus confortable et plus accessible. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 23,2 milliards d'euros en 2023, et occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Safran s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui préservent les priorités environnementales de sa feuille de route d'innovation technologique.
Safran est la 1ère entreprise du secteur aéronautique et défense du classement « World's Best Companies 2023 » du magazine TIME.
Avec plus d'un million de sièges équipant les flottes des plus grandes compagnies aériennes, Safran Seats est l'un des leaders mondiaux des sièges pour passagers, équipages d'avions et hélicoptères grâce à des solutions innovantes et à forte valeur ajoutée.
Mission description
Are you interested in working at the business end of Aerospace, where airline brand meets innovative passenger experience? Then your next opportunity could be with Safran Seats, an industry award winning, premium designer and manufacturer of First and Business Class seating and technology. Our passenger experience prides itself on innovation, customization, quality and industrial design.
At Safran Seats, we are unique within aerospace, as we interface with both the world's biggest airlines and airframers alike, with the largest seats portfolio of all seats suppliers. One day you could be liaising with one of the world's largest airframers, and the next, some of the biggest airline brands around the world!
In the UK, Safran Seats specialises solely in the First Class and Business Class seating markets for wide body aircraft, with industrial and engineering teams in Cwmbran and Newport, Wales and Brackley, England.
Job summary:
1. Responsible to lead & manage the delivery of SST-DOA (SGB/SFR) projects, whilst meeting the agreed business requirements.
2. Coordinate and integrate inputs from many areas. Primarily design & certification teams of SGB/SFR in support of DOA Major/Minor Change/Repair projects, but also across some from the wider business and group; R&T, Industrialisation, Technical Audit, Outsourced (supplier/vendors), DOA project partners e.g. parallel DOA (STC/TSO/minor), Program Management, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Purchasing.
3. Maintain the DOA Active Projects and DOA Project Requests lists, report status on weekly basis.
4. Act as the technical focal point on the projects assigned to, and must ensure that the agreed project objectives are achieved (incl. time, cost, expectations).
5. Execute the function of “DOA Administrator” in relation to the regulatory bodies (EASA / UK.CAA) taking primary responsibility for the compilation of revisions of the DOA handbooks and supporting procedures.
6. Coordinate with DOA CVEs and (d)HDO/(d)HOA processing change/repairs approvals.
7. Support SAFRAN SEATS (GB) Design Organisations (DOA) in preparing, planning and maintaining engineering, manufacturing and certification processes related to SAFRAN SEATS aircraft interior equipment and furnishings (such as seats, shells, front row monuments).
8. Support internal & external audit, coordinate with internal auditors and the Agency (EASA and/or UK.CAA) for issues or clarifications regarding procedures, initial airworthiness and continued airworthiness matters, and ensure the closure of audit findings to the agreed schedule.
9. Review EASA / UK.CAA latest publications, proposed regulatory changes, AD's (Advisory Directives), and provide information to the DOA teams.
* Référence : 2025150524
* Brackley - Royaume-Uni (région non définie)