Salary: circa £50,000
Location: Central London
Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Position: Live-out, non-smoker
Start date: May 2025
Statutory holiday
Family of eight in WC1 seeks chef to prepare delicious meals. Because the flat is open-plan and the mother will be breast-feeding, we require a female chef.
Duties include:
--Menu-planning and grocery-shopping at a nearby Waitrose
--Preparation of fresh lunches for the mother and children at home (and packed lunches for the children at school), dinner and dessert. Plus, breakfast for the next day. Extra food is made on Fridays for the weekend.
--Organization and cleaning of the kitchen and dining table area
Baking is a key aspect of this job. You must be comfortable working with metric and imperial weights, as well as the American cup system.
We admire chefs like Ravneet Gill, Nicola Lamb, and David Lebovitz, who are meticulous in their attention to detail.
If you’re the type of person who nerds out on the protein content of flours, who enjoys sourcing exotic spices like mahlab or making your own marzipan; if you’re a fanatic about separating cutting boards so that a strawberry tart doesn’t accidentally taste like garlic, and you can keep your sourdough starter bubbling happily away, no matter how busy life gets, this job may be for you.
The other crucial aspect of the job is creative menu-planning. We prefer to try new dishes rather than sticking to a...