Perm Role with long term secure prospects on a public service contract
To carry out cylindrical and reactive maintenance on Highways
Days 07.00 to 15.30 Monday to Friday
Nights 19.00 to 03.30 Monday to Friday
Rota 4 Weeks Nights 1 x Weeks Days
Perm Role
General Traffic Management, Lane Closures, Barrier Repairs, Routine Inspections, Debris Removal, Cones Out Cones in.
Gritting across the network.
Training Offered
IPV (Impact Protection Vehicle) High Speed Motorway 3 Day Live Training
Lantra TTMBC Basic Health & Safety half day classroom
Lantra 12A one Day Classroom Traffic Management
Lantra 12A Full Assessment Traffic Management 13 week continuous assessment 520 Hour passport.
Winter Maintenance training 3 Day Classroom-Practical Training
All of the above subject to performance but within an 8 month period
Basic Requirements
HGV Class 2 & Drivers CPC
Rates of Pay
Intermediate Starting Rate
£12.52 Days £16.69 Nights
After 8 Hours Monday to Friday
Base plus 50%
Base plus 50%
Base plus 50%
Weekly Standby Rota
£143 Per Week retainer in addition to basic Salary
Winter Maintenance
Paid as overtime Base plus 50% & 50%
This is a long term career opportunity and consists of a substantial training and development programme
If you are interested please give me a call on (phone number removed) Mike Ashworth