To conduct psychologically informed assessments, specifically in relation to Complex Trauma, Complex Mood or Personality Disorder, of service-users referred to the Enhanced Treatment Team within Hillingdon CAMHS including appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex data from a variety of sources. To formulate, implement and evaluate therapy programmes across a range of complex problems with which service users present. To engage in clinical work that will involve working with individuals in intimate and emotionally intense individual and group sessions, where behaviour and communication might be unpredictable and challenging To provide evidence-based individual and group evidence-based interventions, preferably DBT. To facilitate short term psycho-education groups based on evidence based practice To undertake risk assessment and risk management for all service-users in attendance within the service, including the protective and risk factors present in the network of significant relationships. To be able to provide crisis intervention to clients as and when indicated. To take a lead role in identifying safeguarding issues and be competent in demonstrating an understanding of safeguarding legislation & its implementation. To use highly developed communication skills and therapy-specific (e.g. DBT) competencies in working with people to understand their personal and often very sensitive difficulties and develop carefully tailored interventions. To be aware of and to embed principles of the trauma-informed approach within the pathway. To exercise autonomous professional responsibility for the assessment and treatment of service users in line with the service. To act as a lead professional where appropriate taking responsibility for initiation, planning and reviewing care plans and risk assessments involving service users, carers and other professionals and agencies. To adhere to an agreed activity contract relating to the number of service users contacts offered, and clinical sessions carried out per week in order to minimise waiting times and ensure treatment delivery remains accessible and convenient.