Meadowfield School is looking to appoint an innovative and inspirational special needs teacher for our satellite provision at neighbouring mainstream school. Satellite classes give some of our more academically able pupils opportunities to benefit from learning in a mainstream and inclusive environment.
Ideally, Teachers for our satellite classes will:
1. Have experience both in mainstream and SEND
2. Be confident and proactive in developing relationships with the host school
3. Feel at ease in working away from the main site
4. Be creative in utilising a mainstream environment to support Meadowfield pupils in learning and preparation for further education and adulthood
5. Be resourceful in establishing a brand new class
We are looking for a Teacher for a secondary satellite class hosted at Fulston Manor School on Brenchley Road, Sittingbourne. Meadowfield successfully opened its first secondary class at Fulston in September 2025 and we look forward to opening the second in September 2025. While the pupils are on the roll of Meadowfield School and follow Meadowfield’s curriculum, assessment practices, policies and procedures, learning will take place in a new building (due to be completed in April 2025) on the campus of Fulston. Meadowfield pupils enjoy a range of facilities that Fulston has to offer, such as the sports hall and library.
The number of Meadowfield pupils at the satellite will be a total of 20 between the two classes, so learning groups will be relatively small. Class Teachers will be supported by Teaching Assistants as well as support from an Assistant Principal who visits regularly from the main site. Applicants will need to travel from Fulston to the main site on Swanstreee Avenue for activities such as meetings and CPD.
We strongly recommend that you book an appointment to visit us.
Further information about the responsibilities of the role can be found in the attached job description. In addition, the attached information pack has guidance on applying for this role. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with all the information provided, plus information about the school from our website, before submitting your application.
Meadowfield School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils. This post is subject to references, a medical check and an Enhanced Disclosure Application to the Disclosure and Barring Service. Shortlisted candidates will be required to complete a Self-Disclosure Form and in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024, will also be subject to an online search.
Please apply online for this vacancy; C.V.s will not be considered. Please visit our website, where you can find video tours. For more information, or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact our HR Team via email at or phone 01795 477788 (option 5).
Due to the conditions and complex needs of the pupils at Meadowfield School, continuity and consistency of support is paramount and therefore candidates will need to commit to the full working hours of the post. Due to the potential for conflicts of interest, family members of current pupils will not be interviewed for this post.