Some of the main duties and responsibilities will be to: Manage, plan and develop QA activities including participating in policy and service development. Deliver a QA programme. Undertake service review/audit using national tools and make recommendations for service improvements. Support the delivery of QA interventions, by supporting full QA visits and leading screening pathway reviews and other interventions. Develop policy, methods and tools for QA. Analyse complex data from local screening programmes including key performance indicators and annual report returns. Provide highly specialist support. Act as the key resource for provision of information regarding NHS screening programmes. Use specialist knowledge and expertise to advise local programmes and commissioners on the quality of the screening programmes and provide guidance on how to deliver high quality programmes. Provide appropriate and timely expert advice to support the investigation and management of incidents. Ensure that areas of underperformance are investigated and addressed. Build relationships with stakeholders. Play a powerful role in forging partnerships with, and influencing local programmes that deliver NHS screening programmes to ensure the widest possible participation in the delivery of high quality services. Participate in and organise national/regional level working groups/networks as required. You can find further details about the job, organisational structure, recruitment profile, expected outcomes and benefits information in the attached Job Description and other supporting documents.