Main Purpose of Job : To support the Development Management Manager in the day-to-day operational management of the team and delivery of an efficient and continually improving development management service. To provide leadership on the supervision and direction of Planning Officers and support staff and functional leadership on the development, implementation and maintenance of efficient and effective procedures/systems relating to area(s) of planning improvement, as directed by the Development Management Manager. To undertake the day-to-day processing and determination of planning applications and related workloads. To make planning decisions, under delegated powers, and to deal with correspondence relating to these matters, or such cases as may be directed by the Development Management Manager. Main Tasks/Duties/Responsibilities To directly support day-to-day team leadership to ensure work processes, standards and compliance are maintained and continuously improved, as well as address any performance issues as they arise quickly and in accordance with policies. To directly support the operational management of the team, including overseeing people, undertaking 121s and appraisals, and responding to performance information. To assist the Development Management Team Manager in the setting and achievement of targets, including the implementation and maintenance of suitable systems for monitoring performance. To determine, under delegated powers, planning applications and provide advice and support to Planning Officers in undertaking their role as case officers for these applications. To act as case officer and deal with planning and related applications and planning obligations, prepare and present Committee reports, and implement and monitor resulting decisions. To pursue as case officer, in conjunction with the enforcement officer(s), alleged breaches of planning control, including the processing of any related planning applications and appeals. To prepare statements in response to planning and enforcement notice appeals and act as expert witness at Public Inquiries, Hearings and in Court, as required. To deal with general planning enquiries of whatever nature, including any related research, and support and provide guidance to planning officers and planning support team officers in their role in dealing with general planning enquiries. To produce development briefs, Supplementary Planning Documents and other related documentation. To advise as appropriate and when required, senior officers and Members on any issue, operational and strategic, associated with any issue which might give rise to media attention and/or external security. To establish and maintain effective working relationships with key partners and stakeholders within the organisation and externally. To play a full part in the work of the Service as required and contribute to the establishment of Service and Directorate objectives and targets in appropriate areas.