The job itself
East Yorkshire is not just a beautiful place to live; it's a focal point for climate resilience and innovation, facing unique and complex challenges from flood and coastal erosion.
The successful candidate will play a pivotal leading role in shaping future flood and coastal resilience across the area. Working with internal stakeholders and partner risk management authorities such as EA, IDBs and Yorkshire Water to maximise the multi benefit of FCRM measures and deliver positive outcomes for our communities.
As part of the Council's Asset Strategy service, you will manage the Flood Risk Strategy, overseeing the Authority's duties, responsibilities and functions as both Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) and Coast Protection Authority. You will develop, monitor and manage implementation of a range of local flood and coastal erosion strategies and policies, including the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. Crucially, you will be the lead officer working with partners on local and regional flood and coastal risk management (FCRM) strategy including the emerging Humber 2100+ Strategy.
Your team directs asset management and investment on an extensive network of FCRM assets. From around 10km of coastal defence through to a suite of major surface water reservoirs. As strategic lead for flood and coastal erosion risk management, the Principal Engineer will direct maintenance functions and act as budget holder across a sizeable revenue and capital programme.
Having invested over £100m in FCRM since 2015, the team has a strong track record of managing a large flood and coastal risk capital investment programme. With secured funding of over £15m at present, the Principal Engineer will oversee the development of the capital programme, pipeline investment planning and manage funding from a range of sources.
The successful candidate will:
1. Lead the flood risk strategy team to ensure the Council fulfils its strategic ambitions, duties and responsibilities on flood and coastal risk management.
2. Manage an extensive capital programme of flood alleviation schemes including preparation of funding bids and business cases, and liaising and negotiating with funders, partners and stakeholders.
3. Ensure that policies and plans are implemented to achieve successful flood and coastal risk management outcomes for residents and businesses both in the short, medium and long term.
4. Represent the Council as the lead strategic officer for the LLFA at corporate, regional and national forums, which includes duties such as supporting senior elected members on boards.
5. Deliver value for money on local flood and coastal risk management revenue and capital spending.
6. Maximise the use of partnerships and external investment to deliver multi benefit outcomes in the East Riding; and use communications to deliver important resilience messaging to our communities.