Subject Leader – Business and Enterprise
Salary: MPS/UPS + TLR 2c (£3389)
Responsible to: Head of Department – Business and Computing
Contract: Full-time, permanent
Framework: To work within the framework of teachers’ pay and conditions, current legislation
and the policies of the school.
Murray Park School is a rewarding and professionally stimulating place to work. Over the last 3
years we have undergone a journey of rapid improvement; moving from a Requires Improvement
Ofsted grading to Good in September 2022, along with a much improved Progress 8 score, as
well as now being over-subscribed. Never complacent, we are now on our next stage of
development and seek high-quality staff to enable this.
The post is suitable for an experienced teacher or leader looking to take on the professional
challenge of steering the highly popular subject towards ongoing future success. All staff receive
a comprehensive induction programme.
The person appointed will have:
• A passion for ensuring the best outcomes for all students, including those who are
part of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
• Excellent subject and pedagogical knowledge.
• Relentlessly high standards and expectations of all students.
• A commitment to continuous improvement of their own practice, irrelevant of job
role, career stage or position.
Staff at Murray Park School benefit from:
• Flexible working for all staff.
• A Senior Leadership Team who prioritise staff well-being and consider this when
launching any new systems or pedagogical approaches.
• A robust and centralised behaviour system, including an internal Alternative Provision,
to ensure learning in our classrooms is disruption free.
• A whole-school CPD package which includes the sharing of recent research and bestpractice.
• An approach to pedagogy which ensures teachers teach the highest-quality lessons
possible, whilst still allowing teachers the freedom to maintain professional
How to Apply
An application pack can be downloaded from the school website at
or apply via TES Online.
Murray Park School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and
appointment to this post is subject to a criminal record and background check and references