Equal Opportunities At Transport for Wales we value diversity. It makes us stronger, helps us understand our customers better, make better decisions and be more innovative. Everyone’s different and has their own perspective so we’re building a diverse team that mirrors the communities we serve. Through this we’re determined to be one of Wales' leading inclusive employers. We’re creating an inclusive transport network that everyone in Wales can be proud of. Who we are At Transport for Wales, we’re on a mission to transform transport in Wales and make it fit for the future, whether that’s rail, bus, walking or cycling. We want to inspire a nation to change the way it travels, so that we all travel more sustainably and help to combat the climate emergency we’re all facing. We’re an open and inclusive place to work, where everyone is welcome and our people are supported to reach their full potential. We want to create an environment where our people can grow and succeed. This is key to enabling us to deliver on the promises we’ve made to the people of Wales to build a sustainable transport network that meets their needs. Role responsibilities Join our People team as an HR People Systems Data Analyst where you will be taking ownership of producing periodic/ad-hoc HR reporting metrics and people analytics and provide advice and support on HR service requirements. You will have the chance to identify opportunities for process improvements to enhance data quality, service delivery and support business change. You will support the HR People Systems Manager in the daily operations, maintenance and integrity of the HR/Payroll systems, and provide operational administration and technical support, utilising your specialist HR Systems Knowledge. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to - Preparation and maintenance of complex HR metric/statistical data and dashboards in Power BI to support the reporting requirements of Human Resources. Maintenance of HR systems including testing, amending, and updating as required. Maintaining data quality, supporting both internal and external requests for reports, assisting users wherever possible and escalation of queries for resolution as needed to MHR assist. To provide governance around the quality and content of the data held within the HR Systems, providing advice and guidance on work structures, hierarchies and policies/processes. To develop training programmes and manuals for colleagues and end users to ensure data quality standards and increased systems knowledge for good governance of the HR/Payroll Systems. Provide training and assistance to team members and the wider business on complex data and systems issues which may arise from the HR/Payroll Systems. To take an active role in projects and business meetings and take a lead role on key projects work stream deliverables to deliver work streams on time and to budget. Who we’re looking for Qualified in relevant subject areas (i.e. Computer Science, Data Science, Information Science, Data Analytics) or significant experience in this field. Strong analytical skills with demonstrable knowledge of data held within systems and experience of integrating, validating and manipulating data sets to provide meaningful management information. Experience of creating business reports and producing dashboards/graphs with analytical information in PowerBI. Ability to organise, pay attention to detail, and prioritise and manage own workload to tight deadlines, adjusting as necessary for changing priorities, variable workload and interruptions. Strong IT Skills, including experience of working with Microsoft Office products, particularly Microsoft Word, Excel, Power BI, Business Objects Must understand the importance of confidentiality and discretion in handling sensitive employee information in line with GDPR. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal, with an ability to build successful working relationships across all levels. Welsh Language Skills The ability to speak/write Welsh would make a great addition to your application, but it is not essential for this role. Transport for Wales supports and promotes the use of the Welsh Language by employees and will encourage them to develop, improve and maintain their Welsh Language skills. We fully support our people who want to improve their Welsh language skills, and personal development for Welsh Language skills are offered in a variety of ways such as online learning, classroom courses and funding attendance at local community courses. Next steps Does this role sound like the opportunity you are looking for? Do you want to find out more? See attached Job Description for further details. TFW is a Disability Confident employer. We are happy to discuss any reasonable adjustments you may need in the recruitment process or as part of the role if you are successful. This advert will close at midnight on the day of the application closing date stated above. We do encourage you to submit your application as early as possible. Please note, we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if we receive sufficient applications. If you have submitted an application for this role within the last 6 months and were unsuccessful, please do not re-apply as regrettably, your application will not be considered. Note that you must hold the permanent right to work in the UK. We are not currently able to provide sponsorship. Cyfle Cyfartal Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth. Mae’n ein gwneud yn gryfach, yn ein helpu i ddeall ein cwsmeriaid yn well, i wneud penderfyniadau gwell a bod yn fwy arloesol. Mae pawb yn wahanol ac mae gan bawb eu safbwynt eu hunain felly rydym yn creu tîm amrywiol sy’n adlewyrchu’r cymunedau rydym yn eu gwasanaethu. Drwy hyn, rydym yn benderfynol o fod yn un o gyflogwyr mwyaf cynhwysol Cymru. Rydym yn creu rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth cynhwysol y gall pawb yng Nghymru fod yn falch ohono. Pwy ydyn ni Ein cenhadaeth yn Trafnidiaeth Cymru yw trawsnewid trafnidiaeth yng Nghymru a’i gwneud yn addas ar gyfer y dyfodol, boed hynny ar gyfer rheilffyrdd, bysiau, cerdded neu feicio. Rydyn ni eisiau ysbrydoli cenedl i newid y ffordd maen nhw’n teithio, fel bod pawb yn teithio’n fwy cynaliadwy ac yn helpu i fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng hinsawdd sy’n wynebu pawb. Rydyn ni’n lle agored a chynhwysol i weithio, lle mae croeso i bawb a lle caiff ein pobl eu cefnogi i gyflawni eu llawn botensial. Rydyn ni am greu awyrgylch sy’n galluogi ein pobl i dyfu a llwyddo. Mae hyn yn allweddol i’n galluogi i gyflawni’r addewidion rydyn ni wedi’u gwneud i bobl Cymru er mwyn adeiladu rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gynaliadwy sy’n diwallu eu hanghenion nhw. Cyfrifoldebau’r swydd Ymunwch â’n tîm Pobl fel Dadansoddwr Data Systemau Pobl Adnoddau Dynol lle byddwch yn cymryd perchnogaeth dros gynhyrchu dadansoddeg pobl a metrigau adrodd adnoddau dynol yn achlysurol/ad-hoc, ac yn darparu cyngor a chymorth ar ofynion y gwasanaeth adnoddau dynol. Byddwch yn cael y cyfle i nodi cyfleoedd i wella prosesau er mwyn gwella ansawdd data, darparu gwasanaethau a chefnogi newid busnes. Byddwch yn cefnogi’r Rheolwr Systemau Pobl Adnoddau Dynol i weithredu, cynnal a chadw, a chynnal cywirdeb y systemau Adnoddau Dynol/Cyflogres o ddydd i ddydd, ac yn darparu cymorth technegol a gweinyddol gweithredol, gan ddefnyddio eich gwybodaeth arbenigol am systemau adnoddau dynol. Bydd y cyfrifoldebau’n cynnwys, ymhlith pethau eraill - Paratoi a chynnal data Adnoddau Dynol ystadegol/metrig cymhleth a dangosfyrddau yn Power BI i gefnogi gofynion adrodd Adnoddau Dynol. Cynnal systemau Adnoddau Dynol, gan gynnwys eu profi, eu diwygio a’u diweddaru yn ôl yr angen. Cynnal ansawdd data, cefnogi ceisiadau mewnol ac allanol am adroddiadau, cynorthwyo defnyddwyr lle bynnag y bo modd ac uwchgyfeirio ymholiadau i’w datrys i MHR Assist yn ôl yr angen. Helpu i lywodraethu o amgylch ansawdd a chynnwys y data sy’n cael ei ddal yn y Systemau Adnoddau Dynol, gan ddarparu cyngor ac arweiniad ar strwythurau gwaith, hierarchaethau a pholisïau/prosesau. Datblygu llawlyfrau a rhaglenni hyfforddi ar gyfer cydweithwyr a defnyddwyr i sicrhau safonau ansawdd data a mwy o wybodaeth am systemau er mwyn llywodraethu’r Systemau Adnoddau Dynol/Cyflogres yn dda. Darparu hyfforddiant a chymorth i aelodau’r tîm a’r busnes ehangach ar faterion systemau a data cymhleth a allai godi o’r Systemau Adnoddau Dynol/Cyflogres. Cymryd rhan weithredol mewn prosiectau a chyfarfodydd busnes ac arwain yr elfennau i’w cyflawni yn y ffrwd waith ar gyfer prosiectau allweddol – er mwyn cyflawni ffrydiau gwaith yn brydlon ac yn unol â’r gyllideb. Am bwy rydyn ni’n chwilio Cymhwyster mewn meysydd pwnc perthnasol (hynny yw, Cyfrifiadureg, Gwyddor Data, Gwyddor Gwybodaeth, Dadansoddi Data) neu brofiad sylweddol yn y maes hwn. Sgiliau dadansoddi cadarn gyda dealltwriaeth amlwg o ddata sy’n cael ei ddal mewn systemau Adnoddau Dynol a phrofiad o integreiddio, dilysu a thrin setiau data i ddarparu gwybodaeth reoli ystyrlon. Profiad o greu adroddiadau busnes, a chynhyrchu dangosfyrddau/graffiau gyda gwybodaeth ddadansoddol yn PowerBI. Gallu trefnu, rhoi sylw i fanylion, a blaenoriaethu a rheoli eich llwyth gwaith eich hun yn unol ag amserlenni tynn, gan addasu yn ôl yr angen ar gyfer blaenoriaethau sy’n newid, llwyth gwaith amrywiol ac ymyriadau. Sgiliau TG cadarn, gan gynnwys profiad o weithio gyda chynnyrch Microsoft Office, yn enwedig Microsoft Word, Excel, Power BI, Business Objects Rhaid deall pwysigrwydd cyfrinachedd a disgresiwn wrth drin gwybodaeth sensitif am weithwyr yn unol â GDPR. Sgiliau rhyngbersonol a chyfathrebu rhagorol, ar lafar ac ar bapur, gyda’r gallu i feithrin perthnasoedd gwaith llwyddiannus ar bob lefel.