Be aware of and utilise appropriate resources within the Virtual Wards team and in the provision of total patient care. To help manage the team on a day to day basis, supporting junior staff with decision making and skills development Act as a link pharmacist to AEC consultants, GPs, Community Nurses, LAS, Social Services and other relevant professional areas as necessary. Undertake a comprehensive baseline assessment for each identified patient in conjunction with the AEC consultant, patient, relatives, carers and patient care team. Use the assessment to agree and implement a patient held personalised plan of care to be agreed with the patient, relatives and carers and the patient care team Ensure that there are effective communications with other agencies (including Out of Hours Services) about care plans and maximise the input of these agencies to support patients at homePromote self-management and health gain through patient education and health promotion activity Prescribe medication as appropriate and help with auditing and monitoring of the overall service prescribing. Further education and guidance for wider MDT around prescribing practice Perform and document episodic examinations to support proactive monitoring of chronic diseases and identification of early symptoms of exacerbation and liaise with professionals including the Lead Matron as necessary. Work collaboratively with the AEC consultant or GP (as agreed) and liaise following any significant event, to review and amend treatment. Ensure that as far as possible the patient care is provided in the community and to work with the AEC consultant, ward consultants and/ or General Practitioner and patient care team to facilitate this and reduce hospital admission.