Norwich is a vibrant place to live and work, with a city centre of international heritage importance set within the Norfolk Broads National Park. The city and the area around it are home to nationally and internationally known companies such as Aviva and Lotus. Norwich City Council manages the competing demands of business, residents and the natural environment; it supports the growth and development of Norwich through an ambitious programme of regeneration on diverse and complex sites, including the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area.
The Development Management Team Leader will lead a team of planning officers processing and determining planning applications for ‘householder’, ‘minor’, and ‘other’ development. The post-holder will liaise with applicants, councillors, members of the public and consultees to deliver the best results for development in Norwich by determining applications, offering pre-application advice and explaining the development management process. The post-holder will mentor and supervise their team and support the Development Manager and Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to deliver improvements across the development management service.
Job Purpose
* To have line management responsibility for and lead a group of professional planners in the management and delivery of development proposals which implement spatial planning policy, the shared community vision and the regeneration and sustainable growth of Norwich.
* To take management responsibility for the evaluation and processing of major development proposals within agreed performance targets.
* Working with the Development Manager to ensure that the team’s workload is appropriately managed, and process and service improvements are identified and achieved.
* To contribute to the delivery of an effective and focused Planning and Regulatory service for the council.
Key Service-Related Accountabilities
* Manage and authorise the day to day operation of professional planners and support staff, including identifying training needs, recruitment, agreeing and setting targets, authorising absence requests, monitoring sickness and ensuring sufficient capability and capacity exists within the team.
* Working collaboratively with managers across the planning and regulatory service to deliver and monitor effective performance management, ensuring internal performance data is available on workloads/backlogs/issues etc.
* Manage the workload and resources of the team, preparing team plans and managing staff and providing input to service plans and monitoring and forecasting information as required for management purposes by the Development Manager.
* Provide management information for monitoring performance and advice on the interpretation of planning procedures and regulations.
* Implement and operate the Community Infrastructure Levy in relation to the processing of planning applications and liaise with others as necessary.
* Prepare reports, documents, briefings, presentations, evidence and advice internally and for external bodies.
* Prepare, in conjunction with lawyers and other professionals, evidence in respect of planning appeals and be the Council’s expert witness at Hearings or Public Inquiries.
* Ensure effective liaison and support of enforcement staff and planners to ensure an integrated approach to planning enforcement.
* Deputise for the Development Manager as required.
* Lead on the delivery outcomes for a specialist team, ensuring that agreed outcomes/milestones are being achieved through effective management against key performance indicators.
* Ensure that professional advice is provided to all service areas across the council on the activities covered by this post and the team managed.
* Lead on work priorities set by the Development Manager and develop work plans for the team to deliver against those priorities.
* Ensure compliance with relevant statutory legislation in relation to their roles/duties.
Minimum Requirements
* Educated to degree level in Planning or related subject.
* Membership of the RTPI or if not already attained, a willingness and ability to attain/maintain corporate membership or significant relevant experience at a senior level beyond that normally required.
* Evidence of continuing professional/personal development.