Our 12-week therapy and education programmes have historically been the “bread and butter” of our service delivery for young people. These programmes enable vulnerable young people to develop the coping strategies and resilience to move into a more positive life stage where they feel able to start building relationships with others and move towards living a less isolated life. However, what we have found is that many young people are in need of much longer-term support to build their social skills, confidence, and self-belief in order to maintain permanent positive improvement in wellbeing and to permanently reengage with education/employment and society. Indeed, a conventional education setting doesn’t work for many young people.
Over the last few years, we have received a huge number of requests from young people and referring organisations to return for longer-term support and have developed a service to cater to this need. However, this is very much a fledgling service and we have realised that these young people require a huge amount of staff support in order to access our service and to support them through the ups and downs of their lives to stay engaged with us and not regress into mental health crises. This is now beyond the scope of time and expertise available within our staff team and in order to expand the service, we require a full-time Education Service Lead to oversee our education offer including developing our offer for 14-25 year olds.
This staff member will develop, deliver, and expand a longer-term vocational education service for young people aged 14 – 25 and have oversight of the 12-week education programmes to ensure quality of delivery. The role is both hands-on, delivering a service, as well as a management and strategic role, developing the service. The perfect candidate will be equally comfortable getting their hands dirty working alongside service delivery staff to deliver equine-assisted learning sessions (including many cold, muddy and dirty horse care tasks in winter!) as they are working with the senior leadership team to develop strategy and operational plans to expand this service.
They will be ambitious: for their own career goals; in their aspirations for the young people in their service; and for the growth and development of SLTH as an organisation.
1. Assess the service as it stands and create an action plan to develop & improve the service over the next 1 – 5 years.
2. Create and implement 12-month project management plans with trackable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
3. Work closely with the Management Team to report on progress, resources required, and collaborate on strategy for the service.
4. Monitor outcomes data to ensure consistent quality in service delivery and in the facilitation of positive outcomes for young people.
5. Formalise the service offer in a way that is manualised and easily delivered to an equivalent standard by different staff members (and potentially other centres in time).
6. Work with consultancy partners to explore options for becoming a registered education provider or becoming affiliated with a college in order to access Skills Funding Agency funding.
7. Research and ensure we meet best practice requirements as an Alternative Education Provider including registering with relevant bodies and achieving relevant quality assurance standards.
Develop a sustainable funding model for the service, exploring:
1. Availability of statutory funding.
2. Working with the fundraising team to identify grant fundraising streams.
3. Working with the marketing manager and Community Partnerships Manager to promote the service to community organisations, schools, colleges, young people, and parents.