Under the general direction of the Service Manager / Registered Manager (Extra care and step-down service) to provide personal care personal care, basic health care and practical support as determined by assessed needs, to enable individuals to live as independently as possible in their care setting. This will involve providing services to encourage service user functional rehabilitation.
Service Delivery
1. With the Extra Care Service Manager to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of Council policies and the achievement of the Council's objectives.
2. To contribute to co-operative working across services in accordance with the Council's Vision and Values. To contribute to cross-service initiatives as required
3. To assist in ensuring the team's services are responsive to community needs and that equal opportunity and health and safety issues are identified and addressed effectively
4. To assist in ensuring effective external and internal working relationships are established and maintained with organisations and agencies relevant to the work of the service.
5. To ensure effective and accessible communication with staff, service users, the general public and others as appropriate.
6. To ensure that holistic care and support is provided to meet users physical and psychological needs and to promote the continuing spiritual, family and social life of the tenants, helping them to maintain social interaction with family, friends and the community in line with their wishes.
b) Functional
* To provide a service that is responsive to the needs of the service users.
* To ensure that effective working relationships are developed and maintained, which are relevant to service needs, both within the team and with external agencies.
* To ensure accessible and responsive communication with staff, service users, the general public and others as appropriate.
* With the Registered Manager and other senior staff to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of relevant legislation, the Councils policies and objectives.
Service User Care
* To provide essential holistic care and support to meet service users physical and psychological needs and to promote the continuing spiritual, family and social life of service users, including helping them to maintain social interaction with the family, friends and the community in line with their wishes.
* Develop appropriate and professional relationships with service users and carers, which value them as individuals, including establishing and maintaining effective communication. To promote and maintain person-centred service.
* Keep up to date written records regarding individual service users as required and in order to provide information which can contribute to care planning and assessment.
* To maintain high standards of confidentiality at all times
* In accordance with the individual service users care/service plan to provide personal care and basic nursing care to individuals, following instruction and recognised training received. This may include, for example, help with:
Getting up/putting to bed
Personal hygiene
Use of toilet/commode
Catheter care including stoma and sheath care
Assisting with prostheses (false legs/eyes etc)
Application of simple dressings
Using sterile techniques
Foot and hand care
Basic nursing care during illness and terminal illness
Health promotion
Person centred support for those living with dementia
Assisting residents to eat and drink which include preparation of simple snacks and beverages
* To operate safely (and after training) appropriate equipment, for example: bathing and lifting equipment.
* Provide personal and practical care to all service users regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, impairment, age, HIV status, or any other health condition. This will include the provision of First Aid assistance should it be necessary.
To liaise with emergency and support services in accordance with set procedures, as necessary (including ambulance, fire brigade, property services, police and the Emergency Duty team).
To monitor the general health and wellbeing of service users for any signs of deterioration and report to other staff at handover or appropriate medical or nursing practitioner in the case of emergency, so that early intervention can be provided and preventable measures taken.
* Assist service users with medication with Council Policy and pre-set procedures.
* Work with individual service users, enabling them to maximise their independence.
* To assist in maintaining the general appearance of the living environment and support the general cleaning and preparation of designated communal areas to the required standard. This includes the operation of e.g. vacuum cleaners
* To respond to emergency situations in accordance with procedures. The post-holder may also be required to provide an emergency telephone response cover service to staff working in the community at night. To pass on messages/ contact others as appropriate.
* To ensure that all security, fire and call systems are operational and be prepared to undertake security checks of the care home in accordance with procedures
* To participate in the quality assurance monitoring system.
Working in a team
* Regular contact is to be maintained with all service users and their carers (as appropriate), to ensure that care plans are being carried out effectively
* Include working with Emergency Duty team staff and other workers offering an out-of-hours service within the local community and GPs, Community Nursing staff and other health professionals, to ensure the health and well-being of the service users.
* To assist in the induction of new staff (shadowing).
* Senior Manager on a regular basis for supervision and guidance.
* To attend and participate in the induction programme at the start of employment and attend all relevant training including health and safety training programmes throughout employment.
* To undergo training in both formal / informal courses and on-the-job (including NVQ training, when appropriate) as identified by Line Manager.
Service Development and/or Delivery
a) To promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the workplace.
b) To follow the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act, Food Hygiene Regulations, and to be responsible for the safe use/storage of cleaning materials in accordance with COSHH regulations.
c) To be involved in the completion of risk assessments and be responsible for accurately reporting any situations which could be considered hazardous to the appropriate person / line manager.
Adopt a proactive approach to developing and maintaining excellent relationships and communication channels with a wide range of contacts including managers, external clients and suppliers, staff and employee representatives.
Participate in project activity and lead on specific projects or pieces of work on behalf of the Extra care shift leader, taking responsibility for the achievement of outcomes within required timescales. For example, on an occasional basis (if linked to Personal Professional Development) to take the role of caller responder; or to carry out an audit.
Ensure conformance to equal opportunity and data protection policies
The Night Support Worker will work within a designated service portfolio.
Staff team is 20-25 people (excluding casual workers / bank workers)
Number of staff managed N/A
Budget N/A
Section budget N/A
On occasions the postholder may have to help residents out of bed, help with dressing and undressing which will mean bending and lifting. Will be responsible for bathing and lifting equipment.
On occasions the postholder will have to provide personal care for a resident and provide emotional support for residents which could mean a combination of noise and odour.