The Leeds Vascular Institute is based at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI). There are many supra-regional and regional services at LTHT which also require vascular surgical input. LGI is a 1103 bed hospital based in the centre of Leeds and has an international reputation for its expertise in a range of specialist services for which the hospital is a regional centre. Central to the site is the Jubilee Building, which contains many services dedicated to helping critically-ill patients including those with major trauma, brain injury and heart disease.
The Trauma & Related Services directorate provides care for approximately 20,000 in-patients and 110,000 out-patients on an annual basis. The catchment area covers a population of approximately 780,000 for secondary vascular care, 3 million for the Major Trauma Centre and a tertiary referral population of 5.4 million from across Yorkshire.
MEDICAL STAFF IN THE DEPARTMENT: Consultants: Ms R Darwood (Clinical Lead), Mr P Coughlin, Mr J de Siqueira, Professor S Homer-Vanniasinkam, Ms N Maftei, Mr AID Mavor, Mr A Nassef, Mrs J Robson, Mr DA Russell, Mr V Shankar, Mr T Stansfield, Mr M Troxler, Mr T Wallace, Mr J Forsyt. The surgeons of the LVI are responsible for the management of torso and junctional trauma for Leeds Major Trauma Centre (MTC), supported by the general and thoracic surgeons from SJUH when necessary. Leeds MTC has one of the largest populations at risk in the UK (approximately 3 million people). The Leeds Diabetes Limb Salvage Service is amongst the largest and most progressive in the country, and includes podiatrists, orthotists, diabetologists, diabetic nurses and vascular surgeons to enable holistic management of the patient with a diabetic foot problem.
The Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia service includes dedicated CLTI clinics, a CLTI MDT and CLTI Vascular Nurse Specialist as well as a virtual ward. LVI provides complex open and endovascular aortic interventions for patients from across West Yorkshire with a dedicated aortic clinic and MDT.
The International Senior Fellow in Vascular & Resuscitative Surgery post is a 6 month to 1 year post with a view to further extension by mutual agreement. The main focus will be within the diabetic limb salvage and chronic limb threatening ischaemia services. The fellow will also join the resuscitative and vascular surgery middle grade on call rota (1:9) and broadly train in elective and urgent vascular surgery. The fellowship will be focused mainly on open vascular surgery and that will also carry a resuscitative surgery element. The successful candidate will therefore be expected to understand advanced trauma life support and damage control surgery principles. The fellow will also have exposure to complex and revision vascular surgery.
While the main focus of the fellowship will be on open surgery, there will also be opportunities to participate in endovascular procedures both in the interventional radiology suite as well as in our state of the art hybrid theatre. The successful candidate will be supervised by Mr James Forsyth. There will be regular supervisor meetings to identify learning needs and review progress. Clinical duties are inclusive but not exhaustive of the following:
1. Ward management
2. Outpatient clinics (mainly DLS and CLTI)
3. Operating theatre (acute, elective and day-case)
4. Emergency assessment and management of vascular and resuscitative major trauma patients
5. Post-operative intensive care reviews
6. Discharge letters
7. Discussions with patients' relatives
1. Develop advanced, evidence-based and multi-disciplinary management strategies for patients with diabetic foot disease
2. Develop advanced, evidence-based and multi-disciplinary management strategies for patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia
3. Be able to perform high quality lower limb bypass surgery (including ultra-distal bypass surgery)
4. Be able to perform a trauma laparotomy (+/- adjunctive measures such as packing, splenectomy, stapling off bowel ends, creating a laparostomy etc.)
5. Be able to perform a clamshell thoracotomy (+/- adjunctive measures such as lung twist, suturing cardiac stab wounds, compressing the descending thoracic aorta etc.)
6. Be able to effectively manage vascular extremity and vascular torso trauma
7. Gain improved exposure to open aortic, carotid, renal access and amputation surgery
*** Please see Person Specification***