Stressed About Debt? High costs of energy, food, and fuel mean that many people are finding it impossible to keep up, worrying about debt or falling behind on bills. The Citizens Advice network in Scotland is here for you, with free, confidential, and impartial advice in a variety of ways.
Location: Haddington (Hybrid Working) with travel throughout East Lothian
Contract Type: Fixed term
Salary: £28,000 per annum
More about the job
About the Job: The Youth Engagement Caseworker will provide advice, support, and empowerment to young people in order for them to thrive and contribute to matters that affect their lives. This is a new project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
How to Apply
Further information and an application form can be downloaded using the links at the bottom of this page.
Please return completed applications (marked Confidential/Job Application) to:
The Manager
Haddington Citizens Advice Bureau
38 Market Street
EH41 3JE
Haddington Citizens Advice Bureau is registered as a Scottish charity (Charity No SC000814) and is a company limited by guarantee (Company No SC374255) with its registered office at 44A-46 Court Street, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 3NP.