Full time, part time and flexible working options will be considered
Suitable for an experienced Consultant or someone due to complete their CCT in the next 6 months.
Please click apply or send email to for an informal discussion about the opportunities available:
About the charity:
St Andrew’s is a not for profit Charity - we have no shareholders and any surplus we make is ploughed straight back into our services. We are part of the Specialist Provider Collaboratives in the East and West Midlands and are a member of the East Midlands Alliance. Our services in Northampton, set in 150 plus acres of woodland greenery are spread across 5 Divisions – Medium Secure, Low Secure and Specialist Rehabilitation, Learning Disability and Autism, Neuropsychiatry and CAMHS. We have a number of unique specialist national services including our Acute / PICU Services, Deaf Forensic Service, Huntington’s Service, Secure Brain Injury Service, Older Adults Secure Services, Blended Women’s Service (one of 3 National Pilots) and a specialist inpatient DBT service.
As a result we look for Consultant Psychiatrist who have an interest in any of the above areas and who have a CCT in General Adult, Forensic, Learning Disability or Old Age Psychiatry or will be gaining this in the next 6 months.
Make a difference – for yourself and your patients!
Why join St Andrew’s...