MAIN DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE POST Promote an image of high professional skill and competence to all department users and to impress the public with attitudes and service provided by the Trust in general and by Radiographers in particular. Perform unsupervised Radiographic examinations relevant to appropriate level of training and experience following well-established procedures. Work within departmental teams with guidance from senior staff. Rotate through imaging modalities and imaging departments as required. Provide an imaging service outside the department, in Theatre, wards and other departments. Maintain the observation and comfort of patients at all times during their waiting, examination and post examination stay in the department. to the highest possible professional standards and maintain confidentiality at all times Handle personal and confidential patient information. Liaise with Consultant Radiologists, Departmental Superintendents, Band 6 Radiographers and peers in scheduling and carrying out appropriate techniques and Radiographic examinations. Liaise with Nursing, Clerical and Portering staff within the department and with Nursing, Medical and hospital staff of other wards and departments to ensure a smooth, efficient service to department users. Effectively communicate with all users of the service using available means e.g. face to face, written, via the telephone, email, intercom etc. Ensure appropriate information is provided for the patient Form and maintain good working relationships with all linked professionals and colleagues in the department. Ensure any compliments and complaints from any source, are reported immediately to their Line Manager Adhere to the Trust and Departmental policies, procedures and guidelines. These will include: Health and Safety Quality Assurance Infection Control Data protection Major Incidents, dress code, sickness absence, punctuality Participate in Annual Appraisal reviews with a nominated appraiser. Co-operate fully in the introduction of new technology and of new methods of working as appropriate to the work of a Radiographer. Participate in practice education of Radiographic students Assist in audit and research. Facilitate and undertake teaching and training Report all incidents of injury to themselves or patients to a line manager with completion of relevant form. Ensure the correct updating of the Radiology Information System (RIS). Participate in the provision of the 24-hour 7 day per week service. Comply with Departmental Ionising Radiation Local Rules and Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations Observe the rules and regulations of their professional bodies. (Society of Radiographers and Health Professional Council).