Job summary
Working under the direction of the lead nurse and as part ofthe practice multidisciplinary team, the post holder will be responsible forperforming venepuncture, as requested by the clinical team, to the entitledpatient population. In addition, thePhlebotomist will be expected to support the nursing team on an as requiredbasis.
Pinfold Medical Practice must ensure that the post holderhas access to appropriate clinical supervision and an appropriate namedindividual in the organisation to provide general advice and support on aday-to-day basis.
Mission statement
We nurture a positive patient experience and aim to improveoverall health and wellbeing
Primary responsibilities
The following are the core responsibilities of thePhlebotomist. There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out othertasks; this will be dependent upon factors such as workload and staffinglevels:
a. Obtainingpatient consent for the collection of a blood sample
b. Performingvenepuncture in accordance with practice protocols
c. Maintainingaccurate patient records on the clinical IT system
d. Thecorrect labelling, packaging and storing of samples
e. Effectiveuse of the specimen log, resolving any discrepancies
f. Ensuringsamples are sent to the laboratory in a timely manner
g. Maintainingan effective liaison with the NHS Trust laboratory staff
h. Workingcollaboratively with the nursing team, seeking guidance when necessary forpatient related matters
Secondary responsibilities
In addition to the primary responsibilities, thePhlebotomist may be requested to:
a. Participatein practice audit as directed by the audit lead
b. Participatein local initiatives to enhance service delivery and patient care
c. Supportand participate in shared learning within the practice
d. Completeopening and closing procedures in accordance with the duty rota
Generic responsibilities
All staff have a duty to conform to the following:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I)
A good attitude and positive action towards EqualityDiversity & Inclusion (ED&I) creates an environment where allindividuals can achieve their full potential. Creating such an environment isimportant for three reasons it improves operational effectiveness, it ismorally the right thing to do and it is required by law.
Patients and their families have the right to be treatedfairly and be routinely involved in decisions about their treatment and care.They can expect to be treated with dignity and respect and will not bediscriminated against on any grounds including age, disability, genderreassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race,religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
Patients have a responsibility to treat other patients andour staff with dignity and respect.
Staff have the right to be treated fairly in recruitment andcareer progression. Staff can expect to work in an environment where diversityis valued, and equality of opportunity is promoted.
Staff will not be discriminated against on any groundsincluding age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership,pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.Staff have a responsibility to ensure that they treat our patients and theircolleagues with dignity and respect.
Safety, Health, Environment and Fire (SHEF)
This organisation is committed to supporting and promotingopportunities for staff to maintain their health, wellbeing and safety.
The post holder is to manage and assess risk within theareas of responsibility, ensuring adequate measures are in place to protectstaff and patients and monitor work areas and practices to ensure they are safeand free from hazards and conform to health, safety and security legislation,policies, procedures and guidelines.
All personnel have a duty to take reasonable care of healthand safety at work for themselves, their team and others and to cooperate withemployers to ensure compliance with health and safety requirements.
All personnel are to comply with the:
Healthand Safety at Work Act 1974
EnvironmentalProtection Act 1990
EnvironmentAct 1995
FirePrecautions (workplace) Regulations 1999
Otherstatutory legislation which may be brought to the post holders attention
This organisation is committed to maintaining an outstandingconfidential service. Patients entrust and permit us to collect and retainsensitive information relating to their health and other matters pertaining totheir care. They do so in confidence and have a right to expect all staff willrespect their privacy and maintain confidentiality.
It is essential that, if the legal requirements are to bemet and the trust of our patients is to be retained, all staff must protectpatient information and provide a confidential service.
Quality and Continuous Improvement (CI)
To preserve and improve the quality of this organisationsoutputs, all personnel are required to think not only of what they do but howthey achieve it. By continually re-examining our processes, we will be able todevelop and improve the overall effectiveness of the way we work.
The responsibility for this rests with everyone workingwithin the organisation to look for opportunities to improve quality and sharegood practice and to discuss, highlight and work with the team to createopportunities to improve patient care.
At this organisation, we continually strive to improve workprocesses which deliver healthcare with improved results across all areas ofour service provision. We promote a culture of continuous improvement whereeveryone counts, and staff are permitted to make suggestions and contributionsto improve our service delivery and enhance patient care.
Staff should interpret national strategies and policies intolocal implementation strategies that are aligned to the values and culture ofgeneral practice.
All staff are to contribute to investigations and root causeanalyses whilst participating in serious incident investigations andmultidisciplinary case reviews.
We will provide a full induction programme, and managementwill support you throughout the process.
Learning and development
The effective use of training and development is fundamentalin ensuring that all staff are equipped with the appropriate skills, knowledge,attitude and competences to perform their role. All staff will be required topartake in and complete mandatory training as directed. It is an expectationfor this post holder to assess their own learning needs and undertake learningas appropriate
The post holder will undertake mentorship for team membersand disseminate learning and information gained to other team members to sharegood practice and inform others about current and future developments (,courses and conferences).
The post holder will provide an educational role topatients, carers, families and colleagues in an environment that facilitateslearning.
Collaborative working
All staff are to recognise the significance of collaborativeworking and understand their own role and scope and identify how this maydevelop over time. Staff are to prioritise their own workload and ensureeffective time-management strategies are embedded within the culture of theteam.
Teamwork is essential in multidisciplinary environments andthe post holder is to work as an effective and responsible team member,supporting others and exploring the mechanisms to develop new ways of workingand work effectively with others to clearly define values, direction andpolicies impacting upon care delivery.
Effective communication is essential and all staff mustensure they communicate in a manner which enables the sharing of information inan appropriate manner.
All staff should delegate clearly and appropriately,adopting the principles of safe practice and assessment of competence.
Plans and outcomes by which to measure success should beagreed.
Managing information
All staff should use technology and appropriate software asan aid to management in the planning, implementation and monitoring of care andpresenting and communicating information.
Data should be reviewed and processed using accurateSNOMED/read codes to ensure easy and accurate information retrieval formonitoring and audit processes.
Service delivery
Staff will be given detailed information during theinduction process regarding policy and procedure.
The post holder must adhere to the information containedwithin local policies and regional directives, ensuring protocols are alwaysadhered to.
The security of the organisation is the responsibility ofall personnel. The post holder must ensure they always remain vigilant andreport any suspicious activity immediately to their line manager.
Under no circumstances are staff to share the codes for thedoor locks with anyone and are to ensure that restricted areas remaineffectively secured. Likewise, password controls are to be maintained and arenot to be shared.
Professional conduct
All staff are required to dress appropriately for theirrole.
All personnel are entitled to take leave. Line managers areto ensure all their staff are afforded the opportunity to take a minimum of 28days leave each year and should be encouraged to take all their leaveentitlement.
Public holidays will be calculated on a pro-rated basisdependent on the number of hours worked.
Person Specification
1. GCSE in English and Maths
2. GCSE science
3. NVQ 2/3 if applying for Health Care Assistant duties (not required for phlebotomist only duties)
4. Full training will be provided for the right candidate to support and develop a career in health care