If you have a caring and compassionate approach, and want to join a motivated, friendly and supportive team, we are keen to hear from you. We require staff who have a genuine interest in help caring for acutely unwell patients as part of a multi-disciplinary team as well as having excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Southport Short Stay unit is a 29 bedded ward. We are half an acute unit and half endocrinology.
Successful applicants will be supported through a supernumerary period and will become proficient in providing basic care as well as other day to day responsibilities.
1. Undertake personal care duties for patients within the care setting accessing supervision fromregisteredhealthcarepractitioner.Personalcarereferstodeliveryofpersonalhygiene and assisting with feeding, not requiring clinical skills.
2. Recordpatient’spersonalcareinformationinaccordancewithlocalandtrustpolicies.
3. Workwithallmembersofthemulti-disciplinaryteamtodelivertheTrust’svisionandvalues providing safe, high quality compassionate, person-centred care.
4. Demonstratewardroutinetonewemployeesinownworkarea,whererequired.
The Secretary of State has approved the partnership betweenSt Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals and Southport & Ormskirk Hospitals.
From 1stJuly we have come together as a single organisation under the name Mersey & West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
The Trust delivers acute hospital care, intermediate care, community, and primary care services to a population of over 600,000 people with a combined workforce of around 9000 dedicated and skilled staff from 17 locations including Whiston, Southport & Formby, St Helens, Ormskirk and Newton hospitals.
The Trust provides regional services for burns, plastic surgery and spinal injuries to more than 4 million people across Mersey and West Lancashire, Cheshire, the Isle of Man and North Wales.
Our Vision is to deliver 5 Star Patient Care:
· CARE that is evidence based, high quality and compassionate
· SAFETY that is of the highest standards
· COMMUNICATION that is open, inclusive and respectful
· SYSTEMS that are efficient, patient centred and reliable
· PATHWAYS that are best practice and embedded, but also respect the individual needs of patients
Our achievements include:
• Trust rated Outstanding by CQC Inspection August 2018
• Top 100 places to work in the NHS (NHS Employers & Health Service Journal)
• Awarded National Preceptorship Accreditation (2023) for our Nursing & AHP Preceptorship Programme
1.1 Workaspartofateamanddutieswillbedelegatedbytheregisteredhealthcareprofessional.
1.2 Act withinthescopeofyourtrainingandcompetence, knowingwhotoaskforhelpand support if you are not sure.
1.3 Workwithinagreedwaysofworking,followingrelevantTruststandards,policiesandprotocol.
1.4 Communicate compassionately and effectively with individuals and their families, carers and healthcarepractitioners usingarangeof techniques, maintaining confidentiality and using tact, empathy, persuasion and reassurance.
1.5 Observe,assessandrespondtopersonalcarepatient’sneedsappropriately,escalating concerns to nursing staff, as required.
1.6 Organisesselfingeneralworktasksorwhendeliveringpatientcarewithsupervision where needed from Senior Health Care Assistant and/or nursing staff.
1.7 As directed, undertake personal care duties and support activities of daily living, e.g. mouthcare,personalhygiene,andtoiletingneeds,demonstratingpersoncentredcare.
1.8 Safelydelivercaredutiesincludingmanoeuvringofpatientequipment(suchashoists and wheelchairs).
1.9 Under supervision of a registered healthcare practitioner, undertake delegated procedures within the limits of required training and measured competence, where appropriate.Forexample,patientmovingandhandling,andprovidingpersonalcare.
1.10 Supportofpatientsfeeding,dietandnutritionalneedsandaccuratelyrecordpatients nutritional intake and fluid intake and output, noticing and reporting changes to the nursing staff.
1.11 EnsurepatientpropertyismanagedasperTrustpolicy.
1.12 Monitorlevelsofsuppliesandordersuppliesforthedepartmentasappropriate.
1.13 Demonstratesowndutiestonewstarters,contributingtothelearningenvironment.
1.14 ToworkinlinewithTrustpoliciesandprocedures
1.15 Contributestomaintainingasafe,healthyworkingenvironment.
1.16 Followtheprinciplesforimplementingadutyofcare,alwaysactinginthebestinterest of individuals to ensure they do not come to harm.
1.17 Workinpartnershipwiththeindividual, theircarers/familiesandthewiderhealthcareteam.
1.18 Maintain and further develop your own skills and knowledge through development and learningactivities;maintainevidenceofyourpersonaldevelopmentandactivelyprepare for and participate in appraisal.
1.19 Participateinteamhandovers.
This advert closes on Friday 14 Mar 2025
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Disability Confident
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A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .