Job summary
An exciting opportunity has arisen, on a 12month fixed term contract, for a dynamic and motivated individual to join theCancer Services teamto act as the patientsnavigator and ensure the management of patients is efficient and effective,taking into account the individual needs of the patients and the requirementsof the service, contribute to the achievementof the National Cancer Waiting Time Targets, National Audits and CancerRegistry, facilitate the patient pathwayby co-ordinating and proactively tracking the timeliness of patient treatmentswithin the National guidelines.
The ideal candidate will be confident, enthusiastic, dynamic and self-motivated with the ability to display advanced IT, administrative and organisationalskills along with excellent knowledge of cancer pathways. Competence in data collation and input, alongwith excellent IT skills, across a broad range of systems will also berequired.
The post holders will be required to workautonomously and demonstrate excellent communication and negotiation skills todeal with complex situations with service users and clinicians either over thephone or face-to-face. Commitment and compassionfor patients and the quality of care they receive will be imperative.
Main duties of the job
Toact as the patients navigator tracking their timed pathway against the nationalguidance to ensure patients receive their treatment within the guidelines ofthe National Waiting Time targets. This includes monitoring patients referredto other Trusts in the Network and influencing their pathway pathway, via thelocal MDT. The post holder will be responsible for capturing information aboutpatients; ensuring up-to-date relevant information is recorded on the Trustsdatabases. To understand the patient pathway,including the diagnostic and staging investigations and treatment optionsavailable is essential. The post holder must also facilitate collection of datafor all cancers and enter this on the Somerset Cancer Registry (SCR).
About us
Our purpose is simple - Putting Patients First. We are looking for exceptional colleagues who can help us achieve this.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust is a large acute and specialised hospital trust that provides a range of local acute services to the residents of Worcestershire and more specialised services to a larger population in Herefordshire and beyond.
The Trust operates hospital-based services from three sites in Kidderminster, Redditch and Worcester
Our workforce is over 7,000 strong, and our caring staff are recognised as providing good and outstanding patient-centred care. You could be one of them.
We are committed to recruiting the best people to work with us to achieve our Vision - working in partnership to provide the best healthcare for our communities, leading and supporting our teams to move 4ward. Our 4ward behaviours, which we ask all staff to demonstrate, underpin our everyday work and remain firmly at the heart of all we do.
Our objectives are simple:
1. Best services for local people
2. Best experience of care and best outcomes for our patients
3. Best use of resources
4. Best people
Better never stops, and our Clinical Services Strategy provides a clear future vision for our Trust, our hospitals, our services and our role in the wider health and care system.
We are proud to have achieved Timewise accreditation - this means we are committed to embedding flexible working within our organisation as a flex positive employer.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Post Title: CancerPathway Navigator
Pay Band: 4
Contract: 12months fixed term
Location/ Department: Countywide, Cancer Services
Accountableto: Cancer Services Manager Trustwide
Reportsto: Service Improvement Manager &FDS Lead Cancer Services Trustwide
Key Working Relationships:
DirectorateManagers, Directorate Support Managers
Cancermanagement team
CancerQuality Assurance Manager
Core andExtended members of MDT, Radiologists, Histopathologists, Oncologists
LeadClinician for the MDT
Histopathologyand Cytology staff
CNSs& other nursing staff
Palliativecare teams
Cancerservices booking office
CancerNetwork specialist MDTs
Otherhospital notes, data, histopathology and images
Secretariesat the cancer centres
WestMidlands Strategic Clinical Network
ExpertAdvisory Group
ClinicalCommissioning Group
Job Purpose:
Toact as the patients navigator tracking their timed pathway against the nationalguidance to ensure patients receive their treatment within the guidelines ofthe National Waiting Time targets. This includes monitoring patients referredto other Trusts in the Network and influencing their pathway pathway, via thelocal MDT. The post holder will be responsible for capturing information aboutpatients; ensuring up-to-date relevant information is recorded on the Trustsdatabases. To understand the patient pathway,including the diagnostic and staging investigations and treatment optionsavailable is essential. The post holder must also facilitate collection of datafor all cancers and enter this on the Somerset Cancer Registry (SCR).
Key Duties:
To have full understanding of Trustand National targets relating to cancer and other waiting times and to navigatepatients through their diagnostic and treatment pathways within theseprinciples.
Working on your own initiative withminimum direct supervision for the tracking of all patients diagnosed withcancer or suspected of having cancer, in order to ensure a timely diagnosticand treatment process and accurate entry of clinical data.
To maintain the accuracy andeffectiveness of the Trusts Patient Tracking database -SCR, ensuring it iskept up-to-date and current.
To proactively monitor patientsprogress, highlighting problems to the cancer and directorate management teamand escalating where necessary according to local protocols.
To liaise with MDT co-ordinators, clinicians,clinical nurse specialists, other medical staff, medical secretaries/PAs andadministrative staff and to ensure all patients on a pathway are identified andtracked. This will involve negotiating with and instructing relevant personnel,departments of clinic bookings/diagnostic tests/admissions that need to bearranged to ensure prompt treatment.
To identify patients who are likelyto breach their targets and escalate appropriately according to local guidanceto enable action to be taken to prevent breaches.
To understand service provision forcancer patients within the Network, the steps along the patient pathway and theassociated flows of information. This will include referral processes,diagnostic and treatment options and involves using the Trusts computersystems -Ez notes, ICE, WINPATH, CRIS, PACs, OASIS, Bluespier, MOSAIQ, SystemOne, GI Reporting Tool, LCMS.
Liaise with Tertiary Centres toensure all diagnostic plans are delivered in a timely way to avoid delays andsupport compliance against the Cancer Waiting Time (CWT) targets.
To ensure a tertiary alert includingall patient data transfer information is sent to any treating tertiary centreeither within 2 working days of MDT discussion or as soon as identified ontracking.
To ensure the referral of patientsto other Trusts for appointment or MDT discussion is carried out, includingsending scans, histology and clinic letter or reports to the tertiary centrewhen requested. All patients referred to a tertiary centre must continued to betracked and updated on SCR.
To collect Cancer Waiting Times -CWT, COSD -Cancer Outcomes and Services Dataset and audit data and enteronto the Somerset Cancer Registry- SCR.
To ensure patient tracking commentsare updated with precise and accurate comments as Patient Tracking List (PTLs)are sent weekly.
Update SCR immediately with anyactions undertaken by the Directorates that are returned on the PTLs.
General Duties:
Answerall telephone queries promptly and efficiently, relaying messages asappropriate
Maintainup-to-date procedures detailing guidance on tracking to aid cover the role forthat specialty.
Activelybuild up knowledge of procedures and working practices for other tumour typesin order to provide cover during timesof leave/sickness when required.
Assistin the training of new Cancer Pathway Navigators.
Attendand participate in team meetings.
Participatein the roll out of the cancer strategy and will be expected to contribute tothe implementation of new cancer policies and protocols and running ofinformation cancer systems.
Communicatefully with the wider cancer team including both clinical and non-clinicalmembers, at all levels internal and external to the Trust to ensure the bestpossible outcome for cancer patients.
Participatein the Trusts Performance and Development Review and to undertake anyidentified training and development related to the post.
Undertakestatutory and mandatory training as deemed appropriate by the Trust.
Developand maintain effective working relationships with colleagues.
Adhereto all Trust policies and procedures. Ensuring confidentiality at all times.
Undertakesuch other tasks as requested by the Cancer Data Manager/Assistant Cancer DataManager in accordance with the grade and nature of the post.
Maintaina smart and professional appearance at all times.
Maintaina professional manner including practising respectful office etiquette at alltimes.
The postwill be regularly reviewed and additional duties may be assigned as necessaryin direct response to the changing Cancer agenda.
Person Specification
Knowledge and skills
5. Able to manage conflicting priorities, and organise workload effectively.
6. Proven ability to produce accurate work and to meet deadlines.
7. Able to work on own initiative.
8. Sound knowledge of medical terminology.
9. Knowledge of Cancer Waiting Times and Cancer Outcomes & Services Dataset -COSD.
10. Keyboard Skills
11. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office packages including Word, Excel and email
12. Medical secretary training
13. Knowledge of specialist computer systems WINPATH, OASIS, CRIS, eZ notes, Somerset Cancer Register -SCR
14. Previous relevant experience of working in the NHS.
15. Experience of working within a cancer care setting.
16. Previous experience in working with patient records.