Please review the Supporting Documents section to access the full Job Description and Person Specification. If you have further queries please do not hesitate to contact the line manager using the contact details at the top the page. In taking up this role you will join a strong Renal Consultant team providing specialist services to the region. Duties will include: supporting Renal Inpatient Services; Renal On calls; new Renal Rapid Assessment Hot Clinics to provide admission avoidance and early discharge to support acute front door services; outpatient management of Nephrology, Haemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis patients; teaching both within the department and the wider organisation. There will also be additional duties available depending on your area of interest, including wider undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, supervising procedures, developing a new service such as for LA PD and supporting our Home Therapies transformation. Applications for this role should be written by the applicant. If artificial intelligence (AI) programmes are used then the application may be rejected due to this document being an important part of the assessment process. This does not prevent applicants seeking appropriate support with applications should they need to for the purposes of any declared disability.