We are looking for group exhibitions for a large free gallery in Braehead. You should apply as a curator overseeing one group show or you could approach us with a rolling programme of events (a curator with a plan for a series of exhibitions). We are looking for exhibitions with strong & considered curatorial themes.
This space lends itself extremely well to large-scale sculptural works that will make a statement & be seen by passersby. The space comprises one main room, roughly 4000 SQ FT/371 sqm.
Occupancy availability:
1st slot: 24 March - 4 May
2nd slot: 5 May - 16 June
3rd slot: 16 June - 27 July
Any of the above
OR I am a curator with a rolling programme of exhibitions/projects (I want the space for the whole period)
The site is offered for free. In return you will use the space fully for the duration of your awarded period & organise some public-facing events as part of your occupation. These could be workshops, talks, performances or any other events which support your creative practices & curatorial programme.
This site in within an entertainment centre and so applicants sound consider the visiting audiences in their proposals. This opportunity is open to curators or artists that can easily access the space. You can park outside the property. We will not accept applications from individual artists with a solo show due to the scale of the space.
We will prioritise those that cannot normally afford studio or exhibition space, and believe that this opportunity might help them reach the next stage of their career. We are committed to supporting creatives and communities most in need & will prioritise creatives who declare they are struggling - whether financially, mentally or physically.
The space should be used a minimum of three days a week during your awarded period, with specific minimum times agreed in advance. We are committed to supporting the roots of the cultural ecosystem & therefore, will take into consideration any hardships or needs applicants declare.