Kent LMC: Supporting list based personalised care, the partnership model and meaningful collaboration
We are looking for a highly motivated individual to lead, manage and develop our reception team to deliver the highest quality support to patients and colleagues. We are a team of 5 GP Partners, 3 Salaried GPs, Clinical Pharmacist, Nurses, HCA's and other clinicians from our Primary Care Network. We are a GP Training Practice.
The Practice is located in the picturesque village of Lenham on the outskirts of Maidstone. There is a train line service in Lenham, but your own transport would be more reliable.
This is a busy and forward thinking practice with a good support network.
We respect the needs and beliefs of patients and staff without discrimination, in a supportive and friendly environment. We aim to create an atmosphere of personalised care and accessibility, and to work in partnership with patients and other health care professionals.
1. NHS Pension
2. Free car parking
3. Eye test vouchers
4. Continued training development
Kent Local Medical Committee
8 Roebuck Business Park
Ashford Rd
ME17 1AB
Telephone: 01622 851197
Fax: 01622 851198