Residential Children's Services Registered Manager
Salary: Up to £, per annum
Location: Bramley, Guildford
Contract: Full time, permanent
Specific Hours : hours per week (Monday to Friday)
Who we are
Apple Orchard, Bramley was our first home opening in June, since the early days this home has been radically refurbished and developed to incorporate up to eight young people. It is situated in a small suburb of Guildford, Surrey. The house sits within an acre of land which has been separated to include a football pitch, all weather basketball court and car parking.
Apple Orchard is committed to providing outstanding outcomes for the young people and encouraging them to achieve to their highest potential. We provide a safe environment for them to build positive relationships and empower them to face issues from their past and look towards the future.
Essential Skills
1. At least years’ experience in a Residential child care setting at a Senior level within the last five years.
2. Knowledge and experience of implementing the Quality Care Standards for Children’s Homes.
3. Experience of carrying out administrative duties such as filing, recording, rota preparation and report writing for Children’s Homes.
4. At least one years’ experience in supervising and managing professional staff.
5. Professional qualification at Level / ‘Working with Children and Young People’ (or equivalent)
6. A willingness and desire to pursue further training.
7. Up-to-date Safeguarding and/or Recruitment Training.
8. You will need to apply to Ofsted for Registered Managers status and undergo an interview to determine suitability
9. To be responsible for the weekly budgeting of cash and petty cash.
10. To promote the welfare of the children as defined in the Children Act
11. To facilitate staff meetings / supervision for ½ hours on a weekly basis. To attend seniors meeting monthly.
12. To arrange and participate in training as required, and to contribute to your own professional development by keeping up to date of national developments in childcare policies and practice.
13. To run/chair statutory and in-house reviews for all the young people.
14. You may be called at home if a problem arises to give advice over the phone. In an emergency you may be called to come in.
15. To ensure that all staff members are kept up to date with changes to procedures within Apple Orchard.
16. To ensure that communication between staff is promoted and individuals are given the opportunity to express their opinions.
17. To offer guidance and support to staff while on shift, particularly when dealing with incidents.
18. To ensure that positive and negative feedback is given constructively to promote a professional approach to work.
19. To inform the Responsible Individual as soon as is reasonably possible in matters of dispute.
20. To be responsible for weekly rota’s and staff annual leave.
21. To promote equal opportunities.
22. To make sure that young people and staff are kept safe and secure whilst out among the public.
23. To be accountable for any decision made in regard to the welfare of the young people and staff members at all times.
24. To support and encourage the young people to participate in decision making and planning.
25. To participate and organise staff individual supervision.
26. To be responsible for overseeing administration relevant to current regulations.
27. To oversee all house activities ensuring full risk assessments are completed.
28. Overtime will also be required as and when the business needs- hourly rate as normal
29. Sleep in shifts may also be needed- potential extra earning up to £
30. Company pension
31. Access to our Exchange Employee Discount Scheme
32. Access to wellbeing programmes via our Exchange Provision
Apple Orchard is an equal opportunities employer and positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates. The company is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff to share this commitment. Successful applicants will be subject to a DBS check at enhanced level if successful for the position.
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