The new purpose-built critical care unit was completed in September 2022. There are 16 single rooms furnished with state of the art equipment. The unit was designed to provide the optimal patient experience, with a focus on privacy, dignity and rehabilitation. Ample support accommodation is provided both for staff and patient's families.
There is a team of 12 consultants well supported by 2 tiers of resident medical cover including 5 ACCPs. We are extremely fortunate to have a comprehensive team of allied health professionals comprising physiotherapy, occupational therapy, SALT, psychology, dietetics and pharmacy.
Our outstanding rehab team operates a critical care follow up service. Additionally, there is an associated critical care outreach service providing follow up to discharged patients and responding to sick patients throughout the hospital.
There is a tradition of point of care ultrasound, with enthusiasts (and FUSIC mentors) in heart and lung ultrasound.
Opportunities exist for teaching: critical care, anaesthesia and medical trainees all rotate through the unit. Additionally, we train Foundation doctors, and medical students. We have trained 6 ACCPs who now participate in the resident rota tiers and have become an invaluable part of the team. We have an established teaching program to which all consultants contribute.
Main duties of the job
The critical care consultants participate in a team-based job plan. Key elements (not exhaustive) are as follows:
1. Consultants participate in a rota that provides 2 consultants during daytime hours and 1 consultant out of hours.
2. The working pattern facilitates meeting expectations outlined in GPICS 2.1. This enables 2 ward rounds per day, and coordination of medical care on the critical care unit. Out of hours consultants directly and indirectly supervise trainees and are able to attend the hospital within 30 minutes. Ensuring comprehensive handover between consultant colleagues and collaboration with other specialties.
3. Training medical and non-medical staff e.g. ACCP. Examples include providing education according to a rota, completing assessments and providing feedback.
4. Participation in data collection for ICNARC.
5. Participation in mortality reviews and providing appropriate communication with, and reports for medical examiners and the coroner.
6. Participation in critical care service governance framework: Attending unit governance and directorate meetings, participation in QI, research and audit activity, answering complaints.
About us
Blackpool Teaching Hospital has a faculty of engaged, motivated and enthusiastic Trainers to support the students and trainees that we host. We promote a multidisciplinary approach to education and training and the successful candidate would be fully supported by the Medical Education team. The team are keen to develop and support their trainers to enable us to deliver training to the standards required by the GMC.
The Trust is a teaching hospital for the University of Liverpool Medical School and we host 4th and 5th year students in most specialities. We also have students from UCLAN and Lancaster University who do various placements throughout the trust. The successful candidate will participate in undergraduate teaching within the sessions allocated to support professional activities.
There will also be the opportunity to participate in the supervision and training of Postgraduate trainees. The Trust hosts Junior Doctors in training placements in all specialities, working in collaboration with Health Education England North West. This includes Foundation Doctors, Core Trainees and Specialist Trainees at all levels. There are extensive opportunities for teaching all grades of doctor.
Other opportunities are available for committed and engaged trainers with our postgraduate trainees from Buckingham University, trainee Physician Associates and various other educational programmes.
Job description
Job responsibilities
The contract will be a 10 PA contract but extra DCC sessions are negotiable. The direct clinical care sessions will be delivered on an annualised sessional contract. Consultants work in blocks of time, covering from 8am to 8pm. Overnight, a trainee from both tiers is resident, providing cover to the Critical Care unit and referrals from the wards, theatres and the Emergency Department.
Jobs plans will be formally reviewed within the first 6 months after appointment and agreed according to evidence from actual activity. All consultants will be allocated 1.5 core SPA per week for professional development (CPD). Job Planning, Appraisal, Mandatory Training, attendance at regular team meetings which will have a clinical governance aspect, and participating in Audit. Core SPA time will generally be undertaken within the Trust. Any variation from this principle must be discussed, agreed and made clear within the Consultant Job Plan.
Additional SPA time will be made available to Consultants on the basis of evidenced need. Such allocation will be agreed and subsequently reviewed by the Consultant and their Head of Department during the Job Plan review session. Additional (non-core) SPA time will be undertaken within the Trust or at other agreed NHS sites or academic institutions during the normal working day.
Person Specification
Legal Requirements
* Inclusion on the Specialist Register or eligible for inclusion within 6 months of interview date
* Full registration with the GMC
Education and Qualification
* MB ChB or equivalent
* Higher degree (MD/PhD)
Management Skills
* Awareness of NHS organisation and core values of NHS
* Understanding of the management responsibilities of NHS consultants
* Participation in a management training course
Knowledge & Research
* Commitment to CPD and requirements of clinical governance and audit
* A proven track record in self-directed research
* Publications in peer reviewed journals
Skills & Ability
* Excellent communication skills - both oral and written
* Effective teaching skills
* Ability to organise and prioritise workload and to delegate responsibility and supervise staff
* Ability to motivate and inspire a multi-disciplinary team and work sensitively within teams and across organisations
* Involvement and evidence of implementation of service development and managing change in a healthcare setting
* Leadership skills- ability to take responsibility, show leadership and make decisions
* Computer and IT skills
* Educational qualification or working towards
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