General Duties
Patients to be seen and assessed on the ward prior to surgery or admission to Intensive Care. Keeping such records as may be required. These must be dated and initialled, together with any other related administrative duties, including discharge and Clinic letters. Effect detailed handover at the end of a duty shift. In the event of a list cancellation or early finish, be available on site for possible re-assignment to other lists.
Duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the request of the appropriate Consultant(s) in consultation where possible with colleagues both senior and junior. Additional commitments arising under this paragraph are exceptional. In particular, the doctor will not be required to undertake work of this kind for prolonged periods or on a regular basis. To read and follow any protocols and clinical guidelines laid down (either in writing or verbally) for the anaesthetic department.
In case of any difficulties, either clinical or administrative, to ensure advice is sought from a senior colleague. To accurately gather data required for clinical audit and to participate in audit meetings. Keep a log book (electronic or written) of the cases anaesthetised. Follow the General Medical Council Good Medical Practice guidance with respect to all duties ( NOTE: Specific duties may vary from time to time with the circumstances existing and the developing competence and interests of the members of the Department.