The post holder will be part of a multi-agency MASH team and take responsibility for analysing and interpreting health information in fast paced discussions about the risk of significant harm to children and families The post holder will be required to: Maintain constructive relationships with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders and specifically health professionals from a wide range of services and disciplines. Through liaison and dialogue identify and collate the relevant health information to add to the multi-agency risk assessment. Record, interpret and present health information and issues that can impact the identified or potential risk or needs assessment of adults and children from a range of health perspectives. Develop and implement data collection systems and protocols that will provide accurate and timely data, safely and effectively with due regards to relevant legislation. Explain clearly, and with sound rationale, highly complex safeguarding children information, to a wide range of professionals. Offer appropriate actions from health providers to contribute to the risk management and safety plan, safeguarding of the victim and their family. Be responsible for the completion of health actions carried out by provider services and provide updates to the MARAC and MASH ensuring that appropriate escalation pathways are followed when actions are incomplete. Disseminate and communicate decisions and appropriate health information to relevant health professionals. Identify service gaps and issues relating to effective clinical pathways and/or cross boundary arrangements. Escalate evidence of ineffective safeguarding arrangements within or outside of the MARAC/MASH process. Immediately report to the statutory Named Nurse for Safeguarding and/or the Head of Safeguarding when issues require escalation or where the case is likely to become subject to press or public interest. Record information shared including rationale for sharing, health actions and multiagency risk management plan on the appropriate case management recording system on a case by case basis (SystmOne) Assist in the evaluation and analysis of the health contribution to the MARAC process. Participate in relevant internal and external working groups/projects, forums, services and initiatives to provide, information and analytical advice and expertise. The job holder will carry out any other duties as may reasonably be required by their line manager. The full Job Description is attached. The job description and person specification may be reviewed on an ongoing basis in accordance with the changing needs of the Department and the Organisation.