12-18 hours per week (more info in Job Description)
Closing date is Wednesday 19th February, 2025 - 9:00
Thank you for considering applying for a part-time job with Beds SU. We truly believe that these are life-changing opportunities to represent, support and empower your student community, whilst developing skills for your future career.
You must read the information provided in the attached document carefully, as it will outline everything you need to know about applying for and taking up this part-time position.
Frequently Asked Questions
You must read these! These cover very specific information that previous candidates have misunderstood or not been aware of when they applied, which has changed their experience of, or ability to make the most of the job.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: the specifications relating to this job are reviewed annually so
information you have read before may now be incorrect. Read the document for:
1. Eligibility criteria – you must meet these to apply for the position
2. the full Job Description
3. and key skills that we believe the Ideal Candidate will have
If you have any further questions, please email elections@beds.ac.uk to speak to a member of the team.
Beds SU is committed to diversity and inclusion, reflecting, and respecting the communities it serves. We are an equal opportunities organisation and welcome applications from all suitably motivated students with a commitment to upholding these values, regardless of their race, gender, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation, or age.
Job Description
Download the job description for this role
Applications should be submitted no later than Wed, Feb 19, 2025 9:00 AM