NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is one of the largest healthcare systems in the UK employing around 40,000 staff in a wide range of clinical and non-clinical professions and job roles. We deliver acute hospital, primary, community and mental health care services to a population of over 1.15 million and a wider population of 2.2 million when our regional and national services are included.
We have an exciting opportunity to join the West of Scotland (WOS) Sexual Assault Service which delivers a peripatetic regional model to support people being seen closer to home where possible. We now wish to appoint to 0.8 WTE Specialty Doctor based on a 7:1 contract which can be appointed on a full-time or part-time basis. The hours of cover will be over a 24-hour period 7 days per week on a rotational basis. We have 2 rotas in place 365 days of the year with a rota covering 24 hours and a rota covering 0900 – 2100 hours over 7 days.
The WoS Sexual Assault Service provides forensic, medical and aftercare services to survivors of rape/sexual assault who either self-refer or are referred via the police or other agencies. Duties include providing an immediate response to Police or self-referrals providing a forensic medical examination after a reported recent sexual assault, providing written reports and advice to Police Officers and Sexual Assault Service staff as well as preparing witness statements for use in Court and attending Court to give objective unbiased evidence.
There will be a formal training and induction programme and requirement to demonstrate core competencies prior to commencing independently on rota duties. The successful applicant/s will also be expected to attend monthly peer review and development sessions. Further training will be provided as necessary in addition to clinical supervision.
All applicants must possess full GMC Registration, a licence to practice and at least 4 Years full time Post Graduate Training, two of which must have been in relevant acute specialties. You should have a working knowledge of issues surrounding sexual health and a desire to work in a team providing holistic support to those reporting recent sexual assault.
* The requirement for female only applicants for this post is in compliance with Section 7 of the sex discrimination act 1975.
For more information, please contact: Deb Wardle / Debbie Ambridge, Clinical Lead / Service Manager, 0141 211 8175 / 07773156287, Deborah.Wardle@ggc.scot.nhs.uk / Debbie.Ambridge@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Details on how to contact the Recruitment Service can be found within the Candidate Information Packs.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde- NHS Scotland encourages applications from all sections of the community. We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.
By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, NHSGGC has pledged its commitment to being a Forces Friendly Employer. We support applications from across the Armed Forces Community, recognising military skills, experience and qualifications during the recruitment and selection process.
Candidates should provide original and authentic responses to all questions within the application form. The use of artificial intelligence (AI), automated tools, or other third-party assistance to generate, draft, or significantly modify responses is strongly discouraged. By submitting your application, you confirm that all answers are your own work, reflect your personal knowledge, skills and experience, and have not been solely produced or altered by AI or similar technologies. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in your application being withdrawn from the application process.
For application portal/log-in issues, please contact Jobtrain support hub in the first instance.