Job Description
Children, Education and Justice Services
Depute Head Teacher (Gaelic Medium)
Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce
Salary: £66,606 (subject to job-sizing)
Hours: 35 per week
Tha Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce ann am baile-mor Dhùn Eideann. Tha sinn a’ sireadh iar-cheannard làn-ùine airson prìomh dhreuchd a ghabhail ann a bhith a’ treòrachadh coimhearsneachd na sgoile, a’ lìbhreagadh phrìomhachasan nàiseanta is ionadail agus a’ coileanadh ar lèirsinn airson ‘àrainneachd ionnsachadh Ghàidhlig den ìre as àirde.’
Bidh an t-iar-cheannard ag obair mar phàirt den sgioba cheannardais, a’treòrachadh agus a’ stiùireadh na sgoile, a’ lìbhreagadh teagasg is ionnsachadh aig àrd-ìre agus a’ brosnachadh piseach is coileanas. Bidh iad ag obair gu dlùth ri luchd-ionnsachaidh, pàrantan is com-pàrtichean.
Tha an sìor-fhàs ann am FMG ann an Dùn Eideann a’ ciallachadh gu bheil planaichean ann a-nis airson àrd-sgoil Ghàidhlig. Bidh seo a’ toirt iomadh chothrom dhan luchd-obrach airson obair thar-earrain is adhartas dreuchdail.
Tha a riatanach gum bi eòlas aig an tagraiche air cànan na Gàidhlig agus modhan obrach foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, agus gu bheil iad air a bhith ag obair ann an suidheachadh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Bhiodh e na bhuannachd nan robh an tagraiche comasach air eòlas air ceannas ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a shealltainn.
Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce is in the city of Edinburgh. We are currently recruiting a full time depute- head teacher who will play a key role in leading our school community in the delivery of national and local priorities, and in progressing our vision for a Gaelic learning environment of the highest quality.
They will work as part of the senior leadership team, leading and managing the school, delivering high-quality learning experiences and promoting successes and achievements. They will work closely with learners, parents and partners.
The growth of GME in the city means that there are plans for a dedicated Gaelic secondary school. This will bring many opportunities for cross-sector working and career progression.
It is essential that the successful candidate has a knowledge of Gaelic language and GME pedagogy, and has experience of working in a GME setting. Leadership experience in a GME environment would be desirable.
For further information please visit our website,
Salaries will be in accordance with the Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service for Teaching Staff in School Education.
This post is regulated work with children and/or protected adults under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. The preferred candidate will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a PVG Scheme update check. Where an individual has spent a continuous period of 3 months or more out with the UK in the last 5 years, an Overseas Criminal Record Check will be required. You will be required to provide this check. An unconditional offer of employment and commencement in the post will be subject to the outcome of both these pre-employment checks being deemed satisfactory.
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