Job Description
Can you make a difference to the future lives of Glasgow's children within Gaelic Medium Education?
You must be committed, passionate and a well qualified staff member.
We will support you to inspire the learning of our children and young people.
Teaching duties - supporting the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence across all ages and stages of the Primary school. In addition to the range of teaching and other duties outlined in the job specification we are looking for individuals who enjoy working collegiately with colleagues, and who have a firm commitment to improving the outcomes for Glasgow's young people.
Candidates must be a fluent Gaelic speaker.
Membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme will be essential on taking up appointment along with GTCS Registration. Please note successful candidates will be required to pay for their PVG Membership/or Scheme Checks.
A bheil thu comasach air diofar air dhèanamh air beatha chloinne ann an Glaschu san àm ri teachd? Feumaidh tu a bhith nad neach-obrach dealasach, dealasach aig a bheil sar-teisteanasan. Bheir sinn taic dhut ann a bhith a bhrosnachadh ar cloinne agus ar n-òigridh anns an ionnsachadh aca. Dleastanasan teagaisg – a’ cur tai ri Curaicealam Sàr-mhathais a lìbhrigeadh thairis air gach aois agus gach ìre sa Bhun-sgoil. A bharrachd air an raon de dhleastanasan teagaisg agus dleastanasan eile a tha air mhìneachadh ann an cunntas obrach, tha sinn a’ sireadh daoine a bhios toilichte ag obair gu cpo-obrachail còmhla ri co-obraichean agus aig a bheil dealas daingeann ris na builean a leasachadh do dh’òigridh Baile Ghlaschu.
Bidh ballrachd de Sgeama Dion Bhuidhnean So-leònte riatanach ann an gabhail na dreuchd a bharrachd air Clàradh GTCS. Thoir an aire gum feum tagraichean a tha soirbheachail pàigheadh airson am Ballachd PVG/no Sgrùdaidhean Sgeama.
Application Packs
The following alternative Application Packs can be requested in other format for example, Braille, Audio and other languages. To request an alternative Application Pack please phone. Packs will be posted out to you 2nd class within 3 working days of receiving your telephone request. Please note the closing date of the job advert if requesting this to ensure that you give yourself plenty of time to complete your application form and return to us.
Further Information
For further information about working for us please refer to our website Working for us