St Catharine’s College in the University of Cambridge seeks to appoint a Teaching and Research Fellow in Law. The post, which is designed as an early-career opportunity and is intended to enable the post-holder to devote substantial time to research while also contributing to the teaching of Law in the College, will be tenable from 1 October 2025 for a fixed period of five years. The post-holder will be required to teach two subjects in the Law Tripos. Particular preference may be given to candidates who are able to offer at least one, and ideally two, of the following subjects: Law of Tort, Law of Contract, Land Law and Equity. Remuneration will be at points 41 to 45 on the University of Cambridge’s pay scale (currently £36,024–£40,521). It is anticipated that the successful candidate will be elected to an Official Fellowship of the College. The post will be fully pensionable.
The successful candidate will be educated to degree level; will be likely to have or to be very close to completing a PhD degree in a relevant field of Law; will have a developing bibliography of research publications such as contributions to scholarly journals or books; will have a commitment and demonstrable track record in relation to keeping up-to-date with the latest thinking in the relevant field of Law by reading other academic material, attending conferences, and engaging with other academics in the field; will have experience of or be able to demonstrate a commitment to undergraduate teaching.
The duties of the post-holder shall be as follows:
1. To teach eight hours per week (160 hours per year, excluding required preparation and marking) of supervisions (small-group teaching) to undergraduate students of St Catharine’s College or (pursuant to reciprocal teaching arrangements) students of other colleges. The successful candidate will be required to teach two papers in the Law Tripos. Any hours taught in excess of 160 per year will, subject to the agreement of the College, attract additional remuneration; hours supervised for other colleges in the University will count towards the required stint.
2. To undertake research of international standing within the area of the post-holder’s specialism and to present and publish the results of that research at intervals consistent with the requirements of the national Research Excellence Framework (REF).
3. To act (as may be required) as Director of Studies for students in Law in the College, making teaching arrangements, monitoring quality, and ensuring students receive relevant course information.
4. To participate, if required, in the College’s recruitment and admissions activities, including encouraging high-quality candidates to apply to St Catharine’s to read Law, fielding admissions enquiries, and conducting undergraduate admissions interviews.
5. To help organise and support the programme of Law-related enrichment events, including moots, mock exams, seminars, and study-related activities.
6. To undertake College administrative duties as required by the Governing Body (e.g., attending College meetings and sitting on committees).
7. To join other Law Fellows in participating in alumni-oriented events as organized by the College.
If elected to an Official Fellowship, as expected, the successful candidate will be entitled to seven free meals per week and, subject to availability, to free single accommodation in College-owned rooms. For a Fellow not living in College accommodation, a room to work and teach in will be provided. Official Fellows may apply to College funds to support their research (including the purchase of books) and for the purchase of computing equipment. The post does not carry an entitlement to sabbatical leave.
The College
Founded in 1473, St Catharine’s College is situated in the historic centre of Cambridge and ten minutes’ walk from the modern Faculty of Law building on the University’s Sidgwick Site. At any given point in time, the College has approximately 25 undergraduate Law students and a smaller number of students studying for postgraduate degrees in Law. The College is committed to academic excellence and success, while ensuring that students, staff, and Fellows are able to work in a supportive and friendly environment.
Applications and selection procedure
Candidates should apply online at TRF in Law - St Catharine's College, providing a statement setting out how the applicant considers that they meet the post’s requirements, and a full curriculum vitae. As part of the online application process, candidates will be required to nominate two referees who are acquainted with the candidate’s teaching and research. The closing date is noon on Wednesday 9 April 2025. Shortlisted candidates will be informed of their continued candidature no later than Wednesday 23 April 2025 and in-person interviews will be held on Tuesday 6 May 2025. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to submit a piece of written work relating to a current or recently completed piece of research (e.g., a journal article, whether or not it has been published or accepted for publication or a relevant thesis chapter). The written work should not exceed 14,000 words in length. In addition to attending an interview, shortlisted candidates will be asked to give a short presentation on an area of their research. Informal inquiries concerning the post may be directed to Professor Mark Elliott (