The post holder will be part of Learning Disability Psychological Services within the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. The service provides a range of psychological interventions for adults with a learning disability within the geographical area of Gwent, South Wales. There are five boroughs, each with its own multi-disciplinary Community Learning Disability Team provision and 24 hour services. The post holder will support the provision of a psychological service to adults with a learning disability living in the Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent areas and as part of these Community Learning Disability Teams. The post will involve undertake psychological assessments and interventions, teaching activities, clinically relevant research, service development and audit relevant to adults with a learning disability and the systems that support individuals under the supervision of a qualified clinical psychologist. Professional support and clinical supervision will be provided by the Principal Psychologist. Opportunities for peer support are also available through Learning Disability Psychological Services and wider psychology network. KEY RESPONSIBILITES Clinical To undertake psychological assessments as delegated by a qualified clinical psychologist To undertake a range of psychological therapeutic interventions, in the light of an on-going evaluation of the outcomes of the intervention; and under the clinical supervision and guidance of a qualified clinical psychologist To provide psychological guidance and support to carers and families of patients under clinical supervision of a qualified clinical psychologist To use initiative and act independently within guidelines, knowing when to refer to a qualified clinical psychologist for clinical decisions and guidance To prepare clinical reports and obtain the counter signature of a qualified clinical psychologist on such reports To support the qualified clinical psychologist in preparing material or psychological assessments and therapeutic interventions To carry out such other duties as the qualified clinical supervisor may reasonably request Teaching and Training To prepare teaching materials for the provision of training to other professional staff and agencies as directed by the qualified clinical psychologist To assist in the provision of training in the use of psychological approaches to other professional staff and agencies as delegated by the qualified clinical psychologist Research and Evaluation To contribute to the evaluation of psychological therapy by participating in service-related research, performance reporting and evaluation projects To contribute to and conduct psychologically based research relevant to the Clinical Psychology Service and/or inpatient provision, as agreed with the Clinical Supervisor To undertake the preparation of test materials, data collection, data analysis and the production and presentation of reports on service audit, performance and research projects To undertake literature searches and reviews of current research to support the evidence based practice of psychology within inpatient provision Administrative To be responsible for administrative tasks relating to case-work including keeping case notes and preparing written reports in line with the Policies and Procedures of the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board To be responsible for relevant data collection on work activities and service performance reports, as required, and to maintain a high standard of clinical and audit record keeping To manage diary to ensure competent time management and completion of clinical work, research, professional development and attendance at meetings To participate fully in supporting the activities of psychological professions within the Health Board, including attending relevant meetings To carry out additional routine administrative tasks that may be required Professional Development To participate in regular clinical supervision (at least 60 minutes every week) receiving close professional support appropriate to the assistant grade and in accordance with the good practice guidelines as outlined in the clinical supervision policy of the Gwent Psychology Service To meet with identified lead for Professional Supervisor with a view to constructing, reviewing and up-dating a Personal Appraisal Development Plan (PADR) To receive on-the-job training in psychological skills as required for the post and undertake appropriate Continuing Professional Development activities as agreed within the PADR To work within the Code of Ethics and the relevant professional practice guidelines of the British Psychological Society and the professional guidance framework of the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board To work within the framework of the policies and procedures of the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Health and Safety at Work All staff are reminded of their responsibilities as employees to take reasonable care of their own health and safety at work and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. You are to attend all mandatory/statutory training according to Aneurin Bevan University Health Board requirements. Confidentiality In the course of your duties you may have access to confidential material about patients, members of staff or other health service business. On no account must information relating to identifiable patients be divulged to anyone other than authorised persons, for example, medical, nursing or other professional staff as appropriate. If you are in any doubt whatsoever as to the authority of a person or body asking for information of this nature, you must seek advice from your manager. Similarly, no information of a personal confidential nature concerning individual members of staff should be divulged to anyone without the proper authority having first been given. Failure to observe these rules will be regarded by your employers as serious gross misconduct, which could result in disciplinary action being taken against you. Individuals with the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board are responsible for any records they create, use or handle. This responsibility is established at, and defined, by law. All employees working for or within the NHS who record, handle, store or otherwise come across information, have a personal common-law duty of confidence. The Data Protection Act 1988 now places statutory restrictions on the use of personal information, including health information. All staff need to acknowledge the importance of health records and their personal responsibilities. Its security is of prime importance and serious consequences can result should a record go missing. Any disclosure of such information without permission is a disciplinary offence and may result in dismissal. Review The job description is a guide to the duties you will be expected to perform immediately on your appointment. It is not part of your contract of Employment and your duties may well be changed from time to time to meet changes in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Boards requirements in consultation with yourself.