A fully-funded position to undertake research in the ground-breaking field of quantum sensing and measurement, after the first year specialising in Atomic Clocks.
Qualifications: BSc (Hons) 2:1 or equivalent degree in physics.
Funding: Scholarships (fees and stipend) available on a competitive basis for UK students; please contact the supervisor for details.
Atomic clocks are a shining example of the power that technology based on atomic physics can have. In the last decades, using atoms laser cooled to the microKelvin regime, the sensitivity of atomic clocks has increased to now being better than one second over the age of the universe. This project, a key node in the £50 million Quantum Metrology and Sensors QT Hub, will focus on the construction of an atomic clock in a compact and robust package, utilising holographic technologies developed in our group at Strathclyde. The resulting device will surpass current state-of-the-art in commercial atomic clocks in cost, size, and stability. The successful candidate will gain cutting-edge experience in atomic physics, lasers, optics, and vacuum technology.
Key Publications:
* J.P. McGilligan, P.F. Griffin, R. Elvin, S.J. Ingleby, E. Riis & A.S. Arnold, Grating chips for quantum technologies, Sci. Rep. 7, 384 (2017).
* J.P. McGilligan, P.F. Griffin, E. Riis, and A.S. Arnold, Diffraction-grating characterisation for cold-atom experiments, JOSAB 33, 1271-1277 (2016).
* J.P. Cotter, J.P. McGilligan, P.F. Griffin, I.M. Rabey, K. Docherty, E. Riis, A.S. Arnold, E.A. Hinds, Design and fabrication of diffractive atom chips for laser cooling and trapping, Appl. Phys. B 122 (2016).
* J.P. McGilligan, P.F. Griffin, E. Riis, A.S. Arnold, Phase-space properties of magneto-optical traps utilising micro-fabricated gratings, Opt. Express 23, 8948-8959 (2015).
* C.C. Nshii, M. Vangeleyn, J.P. Cotter, P.F. Griffin, E.A. Hinds, C.N. Ironside, P. See, A.G. Sinclair, E. Riis and A.S. Arnold, A surface-patterned chip as a strong source of ultracold atoms for quantum technologies, Nature Nanotech. 8, 321 (2013).
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