Staff / Resource Manage a team of staff responsible for recruitment, induction, cancer waiting times training, annual leave, sickness, performance, annual performance, annual PDR and capability and disciplinary issues, using HealthRoster to approve such requests. Ensure staff resource is available to support the MDT function in line with Trust and National policies and best practice. Meet weekly with the Assistant Cancer Performance Manager to prospectively plan cover at a weekly planning meeting. Work in conjunction with your team, offering leadership and also assist in aspects of their role as required, ensuring that all tracking and data is kept up to date. Ensure adherence to Trust values. To act as authority for the ordering of stationery and equipment. Working with the Assistant Cancer Performance Manager to maintain costs within the departmental budget. Participate in providing cover for MDT team members during periods of absence. Performance Develop effective mechanisms to ensure that cancer patient pathways are effectively tracked to the agreed minimum numbers in conjunction with the MDT Facilitators/Co-ordinators and other staff groups/departments involved in the patients care and pathway. Work closely with General Managers and attend all appropriate meetings to escalate and to update specialty teams on cancer patient pathways. Prepare for and attend Weekly Cancer Access meetings to highlight and demonstrate problems within pathways which are affecting compliance with cancer targets ensuring all actions are carried out prior to the next meeting. Meeting individual specialties, clearly communicating problems affecting patient pathway achievement to ensure that all cancer patients are treated within target, actively managing patient flow. Responsible for the strict implementation of Cancer Escalation grid for all patients on the 2 week wait pathway. To work with the Assistant Cancer Performance Manager to validate breaches weekly, escalating issues to the General Manager Elective Delivery & Performance. To discuss weekly priority patients close to their breach date requiring escalation to avoid breaching at the Cancer Performance Meeting. To effectively monitor the Priority Tracking List (PTL) and support the Cancer Services management team with the weekly PTL meetings with Group representatives. Work with your line manager and colleagues to develop and improve MDT working. To work collaboratively with teams across the Coventry and Warwickshire Health care Partnership to ensure patients are treated in a timely manner. Communicating where necessary with patients in relation to transfers between clinical teams. Data To ensure that all patients are being effectively tracked on correct pathways and data is accurately inputted into the Somerset Cancer Register. Using the Trust systems to track information on the elements of cancer care. Run a weekly report of all tertiary referrals received into the Trust ensuring that all tertiary referrals are inputted correctly, and that pathways are escalated and treated within target wherever possible. Work in conjunction with the Assistant Cancer Performance Manager for the facilitation of the breach validation process, ensuring lessons learned are acted upon as required. Responsible for raising concerns to the General Manager Elective Delivery & Performance, of any patient deviating from their pathway milestones via escalation process and within Cancer Access. Responsible for data accuracy of your team onto the Somerset Cancer Register, ensuring that audit and validation of that data is completed.