The proposed timetable for the postholder will include one weekly all-day theatre list, one general surgery clinic weekly, and a weekly endoscopy list. It may be possible for training in endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) to be offered to the candidate if needed or any individuals who perform this procedure independently may be able to have clinical sessions dedicated to ERCP. Specific duties may be subject to adaptation during discussions following appointment. The postholder will also participate in the on-call rota and attend multidisciplinary meetings. Adequate time will be provided for supporting professional activities and administrative duties. You must observe agreed policies and procedures on clinical matters and should follow the standing orders and financial instructions of the Hospital. This is to support the development of evidence-based medicine and is not intended to constrain individual consultant freedom. In the management of employees of the Trust, you will be expected to follow legislation and personnel policies and procedures and in particular to act in accordance with the principles of equality of opportunity. You must at all times comply with appropriate Hospital Health and Safety policies and legislation laid down in this respect. All employees must comply with the Trust Infection Control Policy. All employees must attend infection control training as required within their department or as directed by their line manager. This post has been identified to aid service expansion and to ensure there is sufficient sub-speciality cover within the team. The post holders will support the general and Upper GI service to ensure maximal session utilisation within the team. The post holders will work within the Upper GI team based at Heartlands and Solihull Hospitals. To help in development of the benign upper gastrointestinal surgery service with a particular focus on development of common bile duct exploration and advanced benign biliary surgery. To contribute towards regular clinical audit To ensure that clinical services are efficiently administered To provide education and supervision to doctors in training. To maintain Continuous Professional Development To participate actively in Clinical Governance To develop audit / research interests within the resources available The post holders will be required to undertake any other duties and responsibilities that fall within the broad framework of the post following agreement between the postholder and management team. As this is a post in a developing Trust structure, the role will be reviewed from time to time and the post holder is expected to respond flexibly to develop this and/or other roles to enable the trust to meet differing priorities.