To deliver a high standard of patient care as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) in general practice, using advanced autonomous clinical skills, and a broad and in-depth theoretical knowledge base. Working in a flexible approach and in collaboration with the GPs and other health professionals to provide comprehensive healthcare sensitive to the needs of the local population. Working within their own professional boundaries, responding effectively to patient need and ensuring patient choice and ease of access to services. To provide education and training of students and other colleagues. To participate and support Practice Research studies, as appropriate. To proactively support future development of the practice and share the Practice values of excellence, responsibility, integrity, development and commitment. Provide a first point of contact within the practice for patients presenting with undifferentiated, undiagnosed problems, making use of skills in history taking, physical examination, problem-solving and clinical decision-making, to establish a diagnosis and management plan, either as face-to-face appointments or via the telephone. Be accountable for own actions and work within own scope of practice at an advanced level using expert knowledge and clinical skills to deliver holistic care to people accessing primary health care services. Instigate necessary invasive and non-invasive diagnostic tests or investigations and interpret findings/reports. As an independent prescriber, ensure delivery of safe, effective, and appropriate medication in a cost-effective manner, following best practice/national guidance and as defined by current legislative framework. Provide safe, evidence-based, individualised, and holistic care to patients and their families, developing where appropriate an on-going plan of care/support, with an emphasis on prevention and self-care. Promote health and well-being through health promotion, health education, screening and therapeutic communication skills. Refer patients directly to other services/agencies as appropriate. Work with healthcare colleagues to ensure that National Service Frameworks (eg coronary heart disease/Older People/ Diabetes /Mental Health/Ashma/COPD) are being delivered. Work with multi-disciplinary team within the Practice to promote integrated and seamless pathways of care. Contribute to the practice achieving its quality targets to sustain the high standards of patient care and service delivery e.g. QAIF and enhanced services. Opportunity to develop an area of special interest within the practice to support improved outcomes for practice population. Audit outcomes against standards and initiates learning/change where necessary. To actively implement safeguarding protocols for children and vulnerable adults and to know who to refer to and how to escalate any concerns promptly. Embrace IT and all computer services available in practice and nationally to aid communication and education of patients. To carry out all duties in a professional manner and adhere to all Cardigan Health Centre Practice protocols, policies and procedural guidelines always. Promote evidence-based practice using the latest research-based guidelines and the development of practice-based research. Monitor the effectiveness of their own clinical practice through the quality assurance strategies such as the use of audit and peer review. Maintain their professional registration through continuing professional development opportunities to ensure that up-to-date evidence-based knowledge and competence in all aspects of the role is maintained. Work within the latest NMC Code of Professional Conduct. Record accurate consultation data in patients records in accordance with the latest NMC guidance and other pertinent standards. To work with GPs in identifying issues related to clinical care which need to be further discussed within the practice. Actively take part in mandatory and internalexternal training as requested including annual appraisal. Be aware of government and practice guidelines in relation to confidentiality, clinical information etc. Adhere to and follow all policies and protocols as listed in the Staff Handbook and contract. Follow all Practice Health and Safety guidelines and policies and inform the H&S lead of any infringements. Dress appropriately for the role. Practice staff are provided with a uniform according to their clinical role. Contribute ideas and discussion within the quality improvement framework of the practice.