The post holder will belong to the Psychotherapy Team in Adult Complex Service that clinically provides psychoanalytic assessment consultations for individuals and regular psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the forms of individual and group therapy with a wide range of frequencies from intermittent, once weekly, twice weekly and three times weekly, and of weekly group therapy.
The Psychotherapy Team also provide supervisions, clinical team meetings and consultations to trainees in various clinical courses held by DET (Department of Education and Training) in Tavistock Clinic, to honorary clinicians and internal and external colleagues in various settings.
The post holder will be expected to take on troubled and challenging patients with complex needs emotionally on psychoanalytic assessment consultations and regular psychoanalytic psychotherapy for group and individual.
The post holder will be expected to offer consultations and clinical management discussion to those colleagues whose patients encounter risk management issues such as crisis and adult and child safeguarding.
The post holder will be expected to offer regular supervisions to those trainees in various levels of their training particularly group therapy. They would also be expected to devise and run workshops on the theory and clinical practice of group psychoanalytic work.
The post holder will hold their own complex caseload within the team includingresponsibilitiesforriskmanagementandclinicalgovernance, planning and prioritising these.
Undertakeclinicalassessmentsofserviceusers/patientsandofferhighly skilled treatment or therapy using appropriate therapeutic modalities.
Reviewcaseswherepatientshaveimpasses,complaints,ordisputeswith their clinical care.
To ensure, where appropriate, agreed standardised assessment questionnaires are completed with clients as per team protocol and to systematicallycollectdataoncaseloadasrequiredbytheteammanager.
Formulate specialised plans for the formal psychological treatment and/or management of a service user/patient’s psycho-social difficulties taking into accountmultipletheoreticalandemployingmethodsbaseduponevidenceofefficacy.
Communicate in a highly skilled and sensitive manner, complex condition- related information concerning the assessment, formulation, and treatment plansofserviceusers/patientsundertheircarewhomaybehostileorpresent with challenging behaviours and to monitor, evaluate and report asappropriate.
Maintainahighstandardofclinicalrecords,preparingreportsforinternaluse andfor externalagencies as requiredandmaintaining goodcommunications with referrers and other professionals involved.
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. We are particularly keen to attract candidates from underrepresented backgroundstobettermeettheneedsoftheserviceusersandstudentsthatweserve. TheTrustaimstoensurethatalljobapplicants,employeesorclientsaretreatedfairly and valued equally regardless of sex, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, domestic circumstances, age, race, colour, disablement, ethnic or national origin, social background or employment status, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs, HIVstatus,genderidentity,politicalaffiliationortradeunionmembership.Selectionfor training and development and promotion will be on the basis of the individual’s ability tomeettherequirementsforthejob.Youareresponsiblefor ensuringthattheTrust’s policies, procedures and obligation in respect of promoting equality and diversity are adhered to in relation to both staff and services.
TheTavistock and Portman is caring, compassionate and committed to co-creating the care and training we offer. We are passionate about thequality of our work and committed to openness, the use of evidence and the application of improvement science.Wevalue all our staff, areconcernedfor their wellbeing, and seektofoster leadership,innovationandexcellenceinourworkforce.
Please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification for more information on the role requirements and duties.
This advert closes on Monday 17 Feb 2025