To develop highly complex strategic and operational plans relating to commissioning programmes to improve the health outcomes of the Place population. To lead the business planning process for the transformational commissioning plans services. To develop local services to provide support for patients. To take responsibility for the management and evaluation of new and existing projects across the commissioning agenda. To ensure that all aspects of the commissioning process contribute to the reduction of inequity of service provision. To research best practice and benchmarking information and use this to inform commissioning locally. To establish and support a range of networks, meetings and forums to ensure delivery under the key aspects of the strategy. To make decisions on a range of highly complex project issues where there may be more than one course of action to be responsible for interpreting national guidance as the expert in commissioning services. To develop tools to be shared across local agencies (health, social services, education, local authority including public health, voluntary sector) for assessing and responding to service need. To identify the different roles of those within the community, such as Clinical Commissioning Groups, as well as community groups and individuals and build local alliances across all stakeholders. To provide senior commissioning support to ICB contract and quality review processes including the preparation of information and any reports required to facilitate discussion at these meetings. To be responsible for monitoring spend against commissioning plans for the commissioning portfolio for which they are responsible. To prepare business cases for change that are properly constructed and costed. To provide and receive highly complex sensitive or contentious information to and from commissioners and providers where there may be barriers to understanding and agreement or cooperation required, such as contract negotiations. To persuade Governing Body, Commissioning Committee and senior managers of the importance of the initiative/programme, to negotiate with and motivate on project delivery, including linking in with other initiatives, very sensitive information about performance and change; Make formal presentations to large groups To promote the development of integrated services. To develop systems and processes to ensure the engagement of a wide variety of stakeholders in the development of a wide variety of commissioning strategies and identifying future priorities. To work with local communities to develop their capacity and enable them to participate in the formulation of commissioning plans and setting of priorities. To work with local community groups to establish patterns of need for the different communities and ensure services reflect these needs. To work in close collaboration with colleagues with direct responsibility for acute, mental health and specialised services. To develop commissioning policy for the ICB that relates to patient services and engages with Providers and other stakeholders and addresses key national policy requirements. Responding to requests, queries and questions from regional and national tiers of NHSE. To develop mechanisms to develop local service strategy and policy and share and implement good practice locally and nationally. To keep up with and disseminate best practice. To lead and facilitate the development and implementation of QIPP initiatives. Working effectively with all stakeholders - negotiating / influencing to secure delivery of changes. To rapidly identify the training requirements of new models of care to be commissioned that assist in the up skilling of professionals, working with the appropriate providers in the implementation of training requirements. To co-ordinate commissioning meetings and activities with appropriate programme board and any other sub-groups. To undertake and commission relevant research to promote evidence-based commissioning, including the undertaking of complex audits and surveys relevant to the programme.