Undertaking remote or clinic-based appointments following the Memory Pathway and Protocols. Present cases to a consultant-led multidisciplinary team to enable diagnostic decision making. Whilst utilising clinical expertise and clinical skills, enhance the experience of all appropriate patients under the memory pathway to access and use the facilities/services available. Enable patients to be assessed and supported remotely or within clinics. Responsible for making the initial contact to support patients and carers understanding of the memory pathway. Undertake detailed history taking using a holistic memory assessment framework. Responsible for the initial collation of all clinically relevant individual service user information (clinical history) and involve carers using agreed service formats. Ensure that all individual service user documentation is up to date and available to inform internal clinical meetings and aid consistent decision making. Support and participate in the development of integrated pathways and care packages which enable patients to be safely cared for within Older Adult Clinical pathways. Accurately record and document clinical discussions and assessment details on RiO clinical system. Attend meetings relating to clinical activities as directed. Assist the Multi-Disciplinary team to gather, clarify and support decision making relating to diagnosis and treatment pathways. Record and communicate information relevant to the patient care plans and individual programmes. Maintain an up-to-date awareness of current practice relating to digital care, legislation relating to confidentiality to support pathway. Record or dictate the history and physical condition in the medical record according to Trust guidelines. Advise patients regarding mental and physical health, including: Clinical pathways (dependent which one the patient is on) Diet and advice Life Style support Treatment pathways Sign posting to other services (including MSS; Carers First etc) Support documentation preparation when referring patients to appropriate community health facilities, agencies and resources. Work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team i.e. Consultant Psychiatrists, Junior Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, staff grade nurses, support workers, Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Social Services Staff, physicians, etc to encourage and ensure good working relationships. To contribute to the development and maintenance of the highest professional standards of practice, through active participation in internal and external CPD training and development programmes, in consultation with the post holders professional and team/operational manager(s). To maintain the highest standards of clinical record-keeping and report-writing in accordance with professional codes of practice of LPFT.s To prepare test materials and visual aids as required. To undertake specific administrative duties as required. To perform other duties of a similar kind appropriate to the grade, which may be required from time to time by the Manager. To participate in the Individual performance and development review process. To be confident in using video call technology and message function to access peer networks and to be part of the Memory assessment service across the county.